Sunday, December 29, 2013

Happy Cooking with LG SolarDom: Quick and easy Pumpkin potage (Pumpkin soup)

 As the weather is colder, having a bowl of soup is a good idea. But because of the coldness I don't want to move, haha, so I rather have something easy to make.

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Youki Ichigo 雪苺娘(ゆきいちご): Strawberry and cream Daifuku (using 白玉粉)

This is the second time for Youki Ichigo  雪苺娘(ゆきいちご): Strawberry and cream Daifuku, the first time that I made I use Glutinous rice flour with corn starch.

Monday, December 23, 2013

Strawberry Balsamic sauce serve with vanilla ice cream

I made this sauce because I have a lot of strawberry in my fridge ^^, and after posted the recipe on the facebook page, you asked for the "Strawberry Balsamic sauce" so here is the recipe for you.
Ps. no how to photo but it's not hard to make 

Strawberry Balsamic sauce
Serve 2

140g ..................................... Strawberry, hulled and cut into pieces
10g ....................................... Unsalted butter
40g ....................................... Granulated sugar
7g ......................................... Balsamic vinegar
.............................................. Vanilla ice cream

Put the butter into the saucepan, place the saucepan over low heat. Let the butter melt, when the butter melt completely, pour the sugar into the saucepan.
Heat until the sugar melt and start to turn into light amber color, add the Balsamic vinegar, stir to combine.
Pour the strawberry into the saucepan, stir until the sauce cover all the strawberry pieces (if some of the sugar harden, boil until melt).
Remove from the heat and divide between 2 bowl, let it cool slightly.
Put vanilla ice cream into the bowl and serve immediately.

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Apple yogurt cake: Today I want to relax ^^

Because I love soft texture, and baked apple is one of the perfect soft texture food for me, haha.

Friday, December 20, 2013

Thursday, December 19, 2013

English Cherry Cupcakes: Fit for every kitchen Queen and King!

 This cupcake is a promise that I made with my sister after I bought a lot of baking equipment ^^. 

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Chocolate Cake with Chocolate Mascarpone Frosting

 Simple baking is something that I like, no need for special equipment or technique, all you need is your time and a bit of attention ^^.

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Creamy Irish Coffee

I love cocktail, I really want to make it more (and yes post more recipes in my blog hehe).

Soft Sugar and Butter Roll

This one is the recipe that I made and posted a long time ago in Thai blog, because many of you want to try the recipe I translate it into english for you ^^.

Soft Sugar and Butter Roll
Makes 15

270g ......................... Bread flour
70g ........................... All purpose flour
1tbsp ........................ Instant dry yeast
1/2tsp ...................... Salt
1tbsp ........................ Milk powder
70g ........................... Granulated sugar
1 ................................ Egg
85g ........................... Evaporated milk
100g ......................... Water
1tsp ........................... Vanilla extract
50g ............................ Unsalted butter
Finishing touch
.................................... Unsalted butter, melted
.................................... Granulated sugar

Mix all purpose flour, bread flour and instant yeast together.


Put evaporated milk, milk powder, water, salt, sugar and vanilla into a microwavable bowl, heat for 30 seconds until warm. Let cool slightly, mix in the egg.   

Pour the milk mixture into the flour bowl, mix until fully combine. Put the butter into the pan knead until mix, then take the dough out of the bowl, knead until smooth and elastic 
Let the dough rise for 40minutes or until double in size (depend on the temperature).

Press the dough then divide into 15 pieces, then roll into a ball, let the dough rest for 10 minutes.
Shap the dough by press the dough and roll into a small rope. Make a knot.

Press the end of the knot together you will get the small knot shape.
Let the dough rise for 30 minutes or until almost double in size.
Meanwhile preheat the oven to 180°C
When the dough ready, bake for 10-15 minutes or until golden brown. 

Brush the bread with melted butter, then dip the bread in the sugar. 

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Stir fry chicken with Japanese salt plums

 I make too much sweets last week, well I have a habit of repeating a recipe (last week was a chocolate choux recipe, haha) when I think I can do something more with it, adjusting, then I endup with choux stuffed refrigerator. 

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Vanilla Cheesecake: Simple is great!

 Something simple does not mean boring ^^. There are many recipes that you will be happy to make it again and again.

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Low fat carrot cake: Delicious carrot cake with less fat

 Ok, it's not common for me to have this kind of recipe in my blog, hehe, I'm the real food, full fat person. 

Monday, November 11, 2013

Friday, November 8, 2013

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Home Made Mos Burger style burger: Rice burger with Teriyaki pork filling

 I love eating out, having a lot of choice, and trying a lot of new thing.  But there is a time that I just want to eat but don't want to go out too. 

Monday, November 4, 2013

Friday, November 1, 2013

Cheesy bread: Lovely golden bread

Making bread is one of my life pleasure, I love mixing, kneading, shaping, and feeling the bread as it transform from a mass of flour into soft, pliable and smooth dough.

Monday, October 28, 2013

Happy Cooking with LG SolarDom: Raspberry Brownies

 Halloween is coming, actually for me making scary sweet is not my kind ^^, I love to do something cute instead, haha.

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Sakura White chocolate Rare Cheesecake: Sakura, you're so beautiful.

I away love to try new ingredients, some of them end up in the cupboard (don't know what to do with them, haha) when some become my kitchen stable.  

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Cooking for one: Prawn and Feta Omelette

 Cooking for myself is so much fun for me, ^^, not that I don't want to cook for other people but when you cook for yourself, you can be free.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Snicker Fudge Brownies: When my candy bar turn into delicious brownies

 I believe there are million of brownie recipes in this world, with a bit of change in each recipe, they have their unique character and flavor.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Quick Fix Dessert: Petit Chocolate

I always fall for easy recipe ^^, because most of them use simple ingredients that I have in my cupboard or my fridge.

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Monday, October 7, 2013

Choco-Banana entrements: Banana can be elegant too.

When I have banana in a kitchen, I usually think about making banana bread or muffin. Banana always has that kind of image a homey bake.

Friday, October 4, 2013

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Lemon Meringue Pie: I'm addicted to it

My friends once asked me what kind of desserts that I really love, my list is Tiramisu and lemon pie.

Monday, September 23, 2013

Friday, September 20, 2013

Monday, September 16, 2013

Chocolate chips shortbread: Simply delicious

 Yesterday while I read a book my niece came near me and told me that she wanted to eat cookie. I told her that you have to wait because I have to make it for you and she answered me that "I will drink water instead" haha.

Friday, September 13, 2013

My Own Mission: Real rich scones

 I have a weak point for scone and biscuit, I love both eating them and making them. 

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

You asked for it: Home made Cornflakes crunch

 It looks like food for children, but if you try it you will know that it suits everyone.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Happy Cooking with LG SolarDom: Baking Italian bread, Focaccia

 This time I think about making the bread with my  LG SolarDom, well because the convection function the oven is very hot and it's great for making bread.
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