I know it’s not Valentine’s Day yet but I received a lovely chocolate hamper from my Dearest, I don’t know what he think but I love it anyway. I always spend a lot of time in the chocolate section of the supermarket (anywhere in the world, the fact is I really like supermarket, I can spend a day, I know it’s crazy but I’m so exciting about the food around me). Chocolate is a comfort food for me, I like real chocolate with the high percentage of cocoa mass and it’s good to see it can be found more easily almost in any supermarket. But there a time that I want a sweet chocolate, a children’s favorite, like M&M, KitKat, and Hershey’s Milk Chocolate Kiss so I’m very glad when I see this hamper, because it contains both of my favorite, the dark chocolate and sweet chocolate.
Let me talk about the item in the hamper.

Lovely and Always smiling, both of them promise not to melt in your hand.

Third: Hershey’s Sticks

This kiss is not last long, may be I need a bigger one.
Fifth: Hershey’s Pot of Gold

There are a lot of gold hidden in brown chocolate.
Sixth: Lindt Lindor Cornet Dark 60%

My Favorite, the dark chocolate and smooth filling is so good together, I think 3 pieces is not enough (and while I’m writing this they’re gone.)
Seventh: Hawaiian Host Dark Chocolate

Macadamias and dark chocolate, what a good combination, I never go to

You don’t have to go to the sea to get the sea shell, you can eat it too.
Nineth: Guylian La Trufflina
Thats fantastic, my other half has bought me a great chocolate hamper from chocolate trading for my birthday with Michael Cluizel chocolate in, have you tried that? Its 65-70% cocoa and just tastes soo good!