Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Honey Peanut butter cookies: Honey, Honey you're so sweet!

 I got an email from one of my readers, she is very young ^^ but really loves to bake for her family. She told me that her grandpa and herself love the taste of honey and want to use it more.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Important Change in my blog

I got a notice about the copyright of the recipes that I used in my blog, the publisher told me that even I made a change or any adaptation, it's still their recipe, and I have no right to use them.
To prevent future legal problem, I will stop putting the credit for the books that I use.
I have to say that I'm really sorry about this because each time that I write about the book and the recipe I write with respect and I always tell my readers to buy the books, and there are many people who bought the books after reading my review of the recipe in my blog. 
But don't worry I won't stop posting, it's one of the happiest thing that I ever done, hehe.
As I said, if any publisher don't mind about my review of the recipe and the books, please inform me, I will put the credit on each recipe that I use ^^.

PS. If you want to know about the book that I use, pleas write me an e-mail I will be happy to inform you.

Pook, dailydelicious

Monday, March 19, 2012

Banana Nut Brownies: One sauce pan, one baking pan and many happiness!

I'm not feeling well for almost a week, well the weather is really bad, and the worst thing is I have to rest than playing with my baking -*-.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Tuna Muffin: Soft and warm, comfort food from your oven!

Soft and warm from the oven, that's the way that I like my muffin to be ^^. Muffin is best on the day that it's made,  and with this small recipe, I know that you can finish them in one day.

Monday, March 12, 2012

さくら マカロン: Sakura Macaron, Special sweet for my little angel

Because I live with my family, I have to babysit my niece a lot of time too ^^. I love that she like to eat my sweet so there are many time that I have to bake especially for her.

Friday, March 9, 2012

Honey Fruit Cake: This is what I do when I found something in my fridge!

I just realize that I still got a box of Macerated Dried Fruit Mix in the fridge. Last year (ok, about 3 months ago, hehe), my sister told me to make fruit cake and I didn't use all the macerated dried fruits.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Cheddar cheese buns: Sweet and salty soft buns.

I have so little time lately, well, work, work and work, haha. I have no choice right? But I still want to bake, and with a little time, making bread is not hard to do.
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