Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Macadamia White Chocolate Cheesecake: Creamy, Nutty, Deliciously little cheesecake.

Imagine that when you eating this, you will get many feeling all at once, soft and creamy with crunchy and nutty, well, this is the one.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Rich Chocolate and Macadamia nut Cake: Gooey delicious chocolate cake!

Sometime I dream about chocolate, I know that it's weird, but I have to admit it ^^. Chocolate is my weak point too, well who can resist it, esp. when it's so rich in chocolate taste too.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Strawberry and Pecan nuts cookies: Cookies aux fraises et aux noix de pécan

 Cookies, cookies, who want the cookies ^^?
I know that everyone want to have a piece of this delicious treat, it's so comforting to eat.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Petit Simple Bread: Your first step to homemade bread.

Ok, we're still in sweetest month of the year ^^, but I know that it will be great to have something less sweet to balance it, hehe, life will be better, right?

Friday, February 17, 2012

Chicken Farm Baker's Project # 42: February Snack Box: Open it and fall in love (with ME), again: "This is my love".

 The sweetness of this month is still lingering in the air, ^^, and you can see that I just can't stop it, haha

Chicken Farm Baker's Project # 42: February Snack Box: Open it and fall in love (with ME), again: Ginger rice ball

I love a sushi rice, ^^, even I don't eat it with sushi. It's sweet and sour, very full of flavor. This recipe can be easily scale up, if you want to eat more, haha

Chicken Farm Baker's Project # 42: February Snack Box: Open it and fall in love (with ME), again: Mocha Nama Chocolate (モカ生チョコ)

 Chocolate and Valentine are true companion. May be it comes from the fact that delicious chocolate is a labor of love^^

Chicken Farm Baker's Project # 42: February Snack Box: Open it and fall in love (with ME), again: Strawberry cube cake

 I think that even a man can be melted but something this sweet too ^^. Strawberry and pink color, hehe

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Monday, February 13, 2012

White Chocolate Cups: Soft white chocolate mousse with fresh strawberry

 Tomorrow is the day ^^, and I know that some people still don't know what to do on this special day. When you don't have enough time, but still want to see your lover's smile, I think I can help, hehe.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Buttery Shortbread: Just want to say "I love you"

I think that love doesn't have to be so complicated, it's an easy and simple thing to understand just like this simple buttery shortbread ^^.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Raspberry chocolate and mascarpone tart: Chocolaty rich, creamy cheese with sweet and tangy berry!

 I have an intention to make something sweet (well, not only in its taste, hehe), for this lovely month of February. So be prepare for it.^^

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Strawberry Donuts: 1 Donut a day keep your gloom away!

I know a lot of people who can't say know to fried things, and yes me included ^^. You name it I eat it, haha, that's me!

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Rouge Amour: Raspberry and rose entremets, My love is red !!

Seen like a long time since I make something like this, ^^ well, there's a time that we want to be creative or just want to bake, right?
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