Monday, October 7, 2013

Choco-Banana entrements: Banana can be elegant too.

When I have banana in a kitchen, I usually think about making banana bread or muffin. Banana always has that kind of image a homey bake.

But this time I don't want my precious banana to become homey I want it to be beautiful, can I do ti! I started thinking about making banana entrements, the flavor that can compliment the banana, makes it more delicious. I end up with vanilla, caramel and chocolate, simple but great. I turn my banana into caramel banana make it soft with a hint of caramel and use it as filling. While vanilla and caramel come in a form of mousse and cover all of them with chocolate cream and chocolate glaze.
You have to prepare this entrements ahead of time, because each part need to be freed until firm before you making the next step (or if you want to make it quicker, buy a blaze freezer, hehe). I know that it's not easy for home baker to make something like this, not that the element of the entrements is hard to make but we need a lot of waiting time, -*-. But don't let that problem keeps you from the thing you love, ^^ if you really want to do it, you can!

Make 18cm entrements

Caramel Banana
160g......................... Banana, cut into pieces
40g .......................... Superfine sugar
15g ........................... Butter

Chocolate sponge
65g .................... Eggs
33g .................... Superfine sugar
........................... A dash of salt
10g .................... Cake flour
6g ...................... Cocoa powder
16g .................... Corn flour

 Caramel mousse

60g ........................................... Granulated sugar
20g ........................................... Butter
48g ........................................... Whipping cream (A)
40g ........................................... Egg
3.4g .......................................... Gelatin sheets
160g ......................................... Whipping cream (B)

Vanilla mousse

        Cream anglaise 
100g ...................... Milk
30g ........................ Sugar
................................ Seed from ¼ of Vanilla pod
  20g ........................ Egg yolks
3g ................................... Gelatin leaf 
140g .............................. Whipping cream

Chocolate cream (Crémeux au chocolat noir)

135g ................................ Dark chocolate (50% cocoa mass), chopped
65g .................................. Egg yolks
25g ................................... Granulated sugar
150g ................................. Whole milk
165g ................................. Whipping cream.
3g ..................................... Gelatin sheets

Milk chocolate glaze 

250g ............................... Whipping cream
35g ................................. Glucose syrup 
28g ................................. Granulated sugar
15g ................................. Cocoa powder
35g ................................. Honey
7.5g ................................ Gelatin sheets
100g ............................... Milk chocolate

Make the chocolate sponge cake:


Preheat the oven to 200°C Line 25x25cm pan with paper.
Beat the egg and salt until mix and lighter in color, gradually add the sugar into the egg and beat until ribbon stage (you can see that you can lift the beater and make the letter 8).


Sift the cocoa powder, flour and corn flour together. Put the flour mixture into the egg mixture (divide the mixture into 3 parts) and fold gently until combine.
Pour into the prepared pan and bake for 7 minutes.
Let the cake cool completely, then cut into18cm round.

Make caramel banana.
Put banana and sugar into a pan, place the pan over medium heat, when the banana soften and sugar start to caramelise add the butter.
Take the pan out of the heat, let it cool completely. 

Make the caramel mousse

Bloom the gelatin sheets in iced cold water. 
Warm the whipping cream (A), in the microwave.
Put the sugar into the pan, place over medium heat and cook until amber. Add the butter stir until melt.
Take the pan out of the heat and pour the whipping cream (A) into the pan, stir until combine.
 Put the gelatin in the caramel pan, stir until melt.
Slowly pour the hot caramel mixture into the egg, stir all the time.
Pass the mixture through a sieve and let it cool completely.

Whip the whipping cream (B), until soft peaks form.
Stir 1/3 of the  whipping cream into the caramel, then pour the caramel mixture back into the whipping cream bowl, fold to combine.

Pour the mixture into 15 cm. dessert rings, cover and freeze until firm., then add the caramel banana on top of the mousse.  

 Make the vanilla mousse:

First make the Creme anglaise:

Bloom the gelatin in cold water.
In a small saucepan, bring the milk to a boil. In the meantime, combine the yolk, sugar and seeds from vanilla pod together and whisk in a heavybottomed saucepan.
Once the milk has reached a boil, temper the yolks by whisking a couple spoonfuls of the hot milk into the yolk mixture. Continue whisking and slowly pour the rest of the milk into the tempered yolk mixture.
Place the pan over medium heat and whisk vigorously (without stop) until the mixture returns to a boil.
Put the gelatin into the hot mixture, stir to combine, then strain the mixture into the bowl to remove any egg that may have scrambled.
Wait until it has completely cooled.
Whisk cream just to soft peaks.
Gently fold 1/3 of the cream into the creme anglaise.
Gently fold back the the creme anglaise and cream mixture into the cream. The mixture will be quite loose.
Pour the mixture over the caramel banana, cover and freeze until firm.

 Make Chocolate cream (Crémeux au chocolat noir):
Bloom the gelatin sheets in cold water.
Beat the yolks and sugar until combine, boil milk and pour hot milk over the yolk mixture, whisk all the time.
When all the milk mix into the yolk, put the mixture over low heat and heat until 80°C.
Take the pan out of the heat, add the gelatin. 
 Place the sieve over the bowl of chocolate, when the yolk mixture is ready, pour the mixture through the sieve and wait for 1 minutes. Stir until all the chocolate melt. Let the mixture cool to room temperature.
 Whip the whipping cream until ribbon stage, spoon 1/3 of the whipped cream into the chocolate mixture, fold to combine.
Pour the chocolate mixture back into the whipped cream and fold to combine.

Place the sponge cake in 18 cm dessert ring. Remove the vanilla mousse and caramel mousse from the dessert ring, and place over the sponge cake. 
Pour the Chocolate cream into the dessert ring, cover and freeze until firm.
Make the Milk chocolate glaze: 
Bloom the gelatin in cold water.
Melt the milk chocolate, by putting in a bowl over a pan of hot water (don't let the water touch the bowl).
Put other ingredients in a saucepan, place over low heat until boil.
Take the pan out of the heat, stir in the gelatin sheets, then mix in the melted milk chocolate.
Let the glaze cool to 40°C , then remove the entrements from the dessert ring, and cover it with Milk chocolate glaze.
Refrigerate, then decorate as desire.

Choco-Banana entrements: Banana can be elegant too.


  1. What a pretty banana dish =) It's nice for the banana to stand out in a dish like this once in a while ^^

  2. salute to you with your patience in such complicated recipes... beautiful as always

  3. This is a cake very good . I want to eating now.

  4. hi, for the chocolate sponge , where do you add sugar?

  5. Beat the egg and salt until mix and lighter in color, gradually add the sugar into the egg and beat until ribbon stage

  6. Hi...

    U mentioned ''Pour the mixture into 15 dessert rings, cover and freeze until firm., then add the caramel banana on top of the mousse''.

    U mean 15 dessert rings? How many cm?? thanks!

  7. Thank you, I forgot to type cm. I mean 15 cm ring.

  8. Hi, I have a question, if I don't have gelatin sheets to use and only have powder gelatin. How will I make the conversion?
    Thank you

  9. Hi. What is the amount of ingredient for 22cm ring? Please can you show us how to make decoration from chocolate :*

  10. Hi, Anonymous
    You can use the same weight as gelatin sheet, and you will need 1tbsp of water per 3 grams of gelatin.

    Hi, Anonymous
    You have to double the recipe ^^.
    Ps. will try my best to show you, it's not easy to take a photo while working with chocolate.

  11. Hi, Thank you for the great recipe. I made it this week and worked perfectly. I posted the review and photo here

    Well done! You can have a go at my own entremet recipe :)


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