Saturday, March 22, 2008

Candied almond clusters

I keep my promise even it’s a promise that I made with myself that I will make this cookie and now, I did it. The Almond Long, which I want to make for many months, I read a lot of book for the recipe that comes so close to the original and I found it in ................... ( the author of ............ the book that never lets me down) How could I forget about this book, I really don’t know.
I remember the moment that I had Almond Long for the first time at Starbucks, the crunchy feeling, the almond fragrance and crispness, all in one, and I fall in love with it. But I can’t go on buying it I want to make it, duplicate it and share it with all of you. (Ok, I’m so excited, I really want to post it write about it, and it’s so good to make something you really want to)
This recipe uses a lot of almond. The first time that I read the recipe I couldn’t believe that the egg white in this recipe can hold this amount of almond, but it can.
Candied almond clusters
Makes 15 (12 X 1.5-2 cm pieces)

1 large (2 tablespoons) egg white
1/3 cup (65 grams) packed light brown sugar
2 cups (8 ounces) sliced almonds
1/8 tsp salt
Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Line two large baking sheets with parchment paper.
Place the egg white in a large bowl, add the brown sugar and salt, and whisk just to combine. Place this bowl over another bowl filled with just enough hot water to touch the bottom and sides of the container without floating it. Stir the mixture just until the sugar is dissolved. Add the almonds stir with a rubber spatula to coat the nuts.
Drop the mixture, one at a time to form 12 X 1.5-2 cm piece, 2.5 cm apart on a baking sheet.
Bake one sheet at a time, for 8 to 10 minutes, or just until the nuts are golden. Clusters will feel soft, but become crisp as they cool. Remove baking sheets from the oven to a cooling rack.


  1. Hi Pook,

    First I want to say that I really love your blog. I like how you illustrate the recipes with many detailed pictures. The food look so delicious, and your photographs are beautiful as well. The best thing is that you select nice recipes from many Japanese cookbooks...I really adore Japanese baking and their creative way of decorating food. However, I can't read or understand Japanese, so your blog is a very helpful resource to me.

    Today I found this recipe and I will make this for a friend (since she loves sliced almond so much). I have not yet found any Starbucks store that sells this product (though I'm a Starbucks barista). However, your description is so tempting so I'll give it a try.

    Thank you and please keep up with your postings!! I'm for sure a fan of your blog already.

  2. hi pook...

    I have true..i also falling in love wt this cookies..


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