Friday, September 5, 2014

Nutella and Peanut butter marbled brownies

I feel a bit tried but happy ^^. Spend each in my kitchen try to put all my things in place, (and I have too many things, haha). 

I just started using my new ovens last week, and still need more time to understand them, anyway it's fun to be able to bake again.
When I feel tried, I always think about comfort food (and sweet), so there is nothing better than a large piece of brownie that contains my favorite things like peanut butter and Nutella. For dark chocolate, you can use higher percentage (I think 64% is good too), but due to the fact that I can't finish this brownie alone, and my sister doesn't like bitterness from higher percentage I have to use 55%. The brownie taste great when chilled serving with a scoop of ice cream is recommended, hehe. 

Nutella and Peanut butter marbled brownies
Make 18x18cm brownies

115g ............................ Unsalted butter
115g ............................ Dark chocolate ( I use 55%)
90g ............................. Granulated sugar
50g ............................. Brown sugar
.................................... Pinch of salt
1tsp ............................. Instant coffee granules
1/2tsp ......................... Vanilla extract
2 ................................. Eggs
85g ............................. All purpose flour
100g ........................... Smooth peanut butter
50g ............................. Nutella (or other brand of chocolate and hazelnut spread)

Preheat the oven to 180C
Line 18x18 cm pan with baking paper.

Put chocolate and butter into a microwavable bowl.
Heat in the microwave for 1.30-2 minutes or until melt (600w).
Remove from the microwave and pour both of the sugar and salt into the bowl, stir to combine.

Put instant coffee granules and vanilla extract into the bowl, stir to combine.
Let the mixture cool for 10 minutes.
Lightly beaten the eggs together, then pour into the bowl, stir to combine.

Pour the batter into the prepared pan.
Warm the peanut butter in the microwave for 20-30 seconds or until soft, spoon the peanut butter into the pan, spoon the Nutella into the pan, then use knife or bamboo stick to create marble effect on the batter (Be careful not to over mix).
Bake for 25-30 minutes or until the bamboo stick insert into the center comes out with few moist batter (depend on how you like your brownie ^^).
Let the brownie cool in the pan over a wire rack, before cutting.

Nutella and Peanut butter marbled brownies


  1. These look great! :D Love both peanut butter and nutella!

  2. Wow now these look good, thanks for sharing.



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