Sunday, September 14, 2014

Dark chocolate and cherry cookies

 I'm busy lately, not because of work, haha, but there are many things I want to do and try to do it as much as I can.
Again this is not about work. I spend most of my time, reading, baking, cooking, taking photos, watching Anime (and concert), playing game, listen to the music (and drama cd) and trying to practice violin. So you can see that I don't have enough time. I know that even there are 48 hours per day I still don't have enough time.
But when I have so many activity to do, I need energy, and what is better than delicious chocolate packed cookie ^^. This chocolate is dense and dark, you can choose the intensity of the dark chocolate that you use, mine is 57% but you can go for 70% if you like. For the dried fruit I think dried cranberry is a good substitute. This cookie is easy to make (well, most of cookies are easy to make ^^). It suits my busy life.Beside from making it for myself, I make this one for my violin teacher too (well, he has a lot of patient to teach a person like me, hehe), as I skipped class a lot while renovating my house and when I don't have enough time to practice. 
You can serve it with tea, coffee or even a glass of milk, or with ice cream, it goes well with almost everything (even a glass of water, haha).

 Dark chocolate and cherry cookies 
Makes 16 pieces

 130g .......................... Unsalted butter 
1/4tsp ........................ Salt
................................... Seeds from half of vanilla beans
100g .......................... Granulated sugar
70g ............................ Brown sugar
1 ................................ Egg
150g .......................... All purpose flour
50g ............................ Dutch-process cocoa powder
70g ............................ Dark chocolate (chopped if large)
90g ............................ Dried cherries

Preheat oven to 180°C.
Line baking pan with baking paper or baking mat.
Sift the flour together with cocoa powder.

 Beat the butter with salt and vanilla seeds until soften, add both of the sugar beat until combine.
Add the egg and beat until combine.
Put half of the flour into the bowl, fold to combine. Add the rest of the flour, the dark chocolate and dried cherries into the bowl, fold to combine.
Use 5.5cm scoop, scoop the cookie dough onto the prepared baking sheet, press slightly and bake for 9-10 minutes, the cookie will puff up and fall a bit while cooling, let them cool on the baking sheet.
Reduce the oven temperature to 150°C.
When the cookies cool, dry them again in the oven for 15 minutes. Cool on the baking sheet before keeping in a jar.

Dark chocolate and cherry cookies 


  1. Oooh those look like some good cookies! Cherry + chocolate is a fabulous combination, this sounds like a terrific way to eat it!

  2. those look mouth-watering delicious! I love the presentation as well :o)

  3. Dear sister
    I have tried make these cookies
    Why they are so soft
    Flavour is good but soft
    Thank you

    1. If it's too soft you can add more flour (about 10-15g), and bake it longer ^^.


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