Sunday, August 18, 2013

Gateaux Chocolat: Rich chocolate cake

 I don't know how many chocolate cake recipes that you need in your life, but I think a lot of it will be great!

 Different style, different texture and different taste, each recipe has their own personality. This rich chocolate cake is very good for chocolate lover ^^ (ME!!!!), it's rich with chocolate both from cocoa powder and chocolate. It contains no flour too, so it's a great choice for people who is allergic to gluten. 
It's very easy to make, no need to worry about the fallen cake, it will fall anyway, hehe. 
Because the cake will be served chilled, you can prepare it the day ahead. Serve it with sweetened whipped cream is a good idea, fresh berries will add lovely tangy taste to the cake, if you don't have fresh fruit, fruit sauce is a good substitute too.  
I use 68% dark chocolate for this cake, but you can choose from 50-70% it depends on your taste ^^, but with more chocolate percentage, the texture of the cake will be drier too. 
Serve it with any hot drink that you like, tea, coffee or even hot chocolate, and have a happy chocolate day.

 Gateaux Chocolat: Rich chocolate cake
Make 15 cm cake

2 ............................... Egg whites
60g ........................... Granulated sugar
50g ........................... Butter
2 ............................... Egg yolks
50g ........................... Almond powder
20g ........................... Cocoa powder
1tbsp ......................... Milk
100g .......................... Dark Chocolate
50ml .......................... Whipping cream
For serving
................................... Sweetened whipped cream, fresh berries, icing sugar

Preheat the oven to 160°C
Line 15cm cake pan with baking paper.
Put the chocolate and whipping cream together in a microwavable bowl, heat at medium power for 1-2 minutes or until completely melt (after 1 minutes remove the bowl from the microwave and stir then return to the microwave) set aside.
 Beat the butter and granulated sugar together.
Add the egg yolks, almond power and cocoa powder into the butter bowl, mix to combine.
Pour melted chocolate mixture into the bowl, beat to combine.
 Whip the egg white until firm peaks formed, and fold into the chocolate mixture in 3 addition.
Pour the batter into the prepared pan.

Bake fore 45 minutes, and let the cake cool completely before refrigerating.
Sprinkle the top of the cake with icing sugar, serve cool with sweetened whipped cream and fresh berries.

Gateaux Chocolat: Rich chocolate cake


  1. Hi, can this recipe replace e dark chocolate wt milk chocalate? Dark chocolate tt this recipe used is chocalate tt didn't contain any sugar nor milk, right?

  2. You can use dark chocolate, there are many percentage of the chocolate to choose from but it's not an unsweetened chocolate. Milk chocolate will make the cake too sweet, ^^.

  3. Thanks! Found u really like chocalate baking n I like yr recipe too!

  4. I love chocolate cakes, and yours look so delicious! One chocolate cake recipe is never enough, need more! ;)

  5. Hi, may I ask u. I like do yours but I like to make very I moist and rich. How?


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