Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Strawberry and Pecan nuts cookies: Cookies aux fraises et aux noix de pécan

 Cookies, cookies, who want the cookies ^^?
I know that everyone want to have a piece of this delicious treat, it's so comforting to eat.

Strawberry and Pecan nuts cookies: Cookies aux fraises et aux noix de pécan
 It's one of the easiest thing that you can bake in your kitchen, and many people won't say no to it. This recipe comes from...................... I made it about 2 week ago and really love it ^^, so that's the reason that I want to share it with you.
The first time that I made it I didn't read the recipe well, I just read the ingredient list, haha, and end up putting too much dried strawberry into the dough. But the taste was so goooood, I think that I have to make it again. This time I don't make the same mistake, anyway I find out that I can't use that 150g of strawberry (the book suggest that much!) in this cookie, haha. I think it's depend on how you like it too, about 50-60g is enough me, but if you want sweeter add as much as you want (as long as your cookie can it, ^^).
Serve this cookie with anything that you like, I even crumb it into my bowl of cornflakes, you can see how mush I enjoy it, haha.

Delicious homemade gift .........

Strawberry and Pecan nuts cookies: 
Cookies aux fraises et aux noix de pécan
Makes about 16-18 pieces

65g ................................ Unsalted butter
30g ................................ Granulated sugar
30g ................................ Brown sugar
1 ..................................... Egg
80g ................................. All purpose flour
5g ................................... Baking powder
......................................... A pinch of salt
20g ................................. Honey
150g ............................... Pecan nuts, chopped
50-80g ........................... Dried strawberries, chopped

Preheat the oven to 150°C (convection oven) or 170°C  convention oven.
Line 2 baking pan with baking paper or silpat.
Sift together flour and baking powder, set aside.
 Beat together the butter, two kinds of sugar and salt together, until light in color.
Pour the honey into the bowl, beat to combine follow by the egg, beat until fully combine.
Mix in the flour mixture and chopped pecan nuts, mix until combine.
Scoop the dough  onto the prepared sheet pan, and press the chopped dried strawberries on top of the dough.
Bake for 15 minutes or until golden brown, let the cookies cool completely on the sheet pan.

Let's see the inside!!

Pack them into the box ^^

Strawberry and Pecan nuts cookies: 
Cookies aux fraises et aux noix de pécan


  1. WOW! Looks so stunning and delicious!

  2. wow! these look really yummy! At first I thought you put fresh strawberries in the cookie and thought that was quite interesting.. but it's dried strawberries. I dont think I've seen those before.. do you think using cranberries would taste nice? :)

  3. Hi, Bakingtray
    I think cranberry will be great too.


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