Thursday, September 29, 2011

Green tea snow balls: Little balls of happiness!

 This morning when I waked up there was something strange, there was a magazine laying on the floor and it's very old one. It's about 7 years ago. 

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

September 2011 Daring Bakers’ Challenge # 56:FRESH, FLUFFY, FRENCH "CROISSANT"

I can't remember the last time that I make "Croissant" it can be half or almost the years ago. So, when I saw that this month challenge is making croissant, well I was afraid that I couldn't do it.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Caramelized Onion Quiche: Delicious breakfast quiche

Baking is my No.1 cooking method, ^^ well, I feel good to be next to my oven. I think it's easy to do it to, because after preparing the oven will do the rest of the job.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Moelleux à la crème de marrons: Crème de marrons cupcakes

I have a bad habit, I always buy a lot of stuffs from supermarket and forget about it completely -*-. Well, I want to prepare myself so I buy everything that I think I want to do, and yes, sometimes it's too much.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Wild Flowers Honey Crème Fraîche Caramels: Learning the trick of something sweet.

This is a special request from one of the reader that post on my facebook page, and I had a chance to make it because my sister wanted to try it too ^^, well she loves all thing caramel!!!

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Chicken farm bakers' project # 39 : Mon Entremets, Café panaché: Everything starts from basic

If I say that I don't feel excited for this month project, it's a lie, haha, because this month I'm the host and I'm thrilled that I have a right to tell other members to do whatever I want.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Pistachio tuiles: Thin, delicious and very nutty cookies!

Thin and crispy, tuile cookie is one of the easiest cookie that you can make at home. But the other thing that you need is a lot of time, because you have to bake the cookie in batch and if you want to create some effect on the cookie you can do it only when the cookie is hot from the oven.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Sandy Macadamia: Additive snack for you!

 This is one of my favorite snack, ^^ sweet and salty macadamia nuts, well I never know that it's not hard to make at home. Sandy Macadamia, is a roasted macadamia nut that cover with caramelized sugar and but the sugar has been crystallized by stirring, it will turn back into a sand like texture.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Chocolate Ice Cream with Drunken Raisins: The recipe from my favorite magazine (I want you to try it too ^^)

 As I flip through the magazine pages I start to realize that even I love ................, I rarely use the recipes from this magazine as much as I should.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Starbucks "VIA" Iced Coffee with Milk: Have your iced coffee and enjoy it!

Today I got a special package arrived, and yes it's a gift from Starbucks, haha. Well, they know that I really love their coffee and it's something new that they want me to try.  

Friday, September 9, 2011

Almond Twists: A twist of happy baking!

I have a lot reasons to bake and cook each day, ^^, but mostly it's because I want to try new recipe and it's fun. And beside from having a good time in my kitchen, my family will be happy to have new menu too.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Summer Berry Drizzle Cupcake: Happiness in your kitchen, fulfill your mood and your tummy.

 At home, finally ^^. I feel like last month is "my life on the road" chapter, haha, so little time at home. Anyway there is something that I miss, my oven.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Honey toasted with chocolate honey sauce: Comforting with a touch of ice cream ^^.

 The melting ice cream over the top of warm crunchy toasted, sweetness of honey, bitterness of dark chocolate, richness of the ice cream, well, I talk about "My Honey Toasted" ^^.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Cheddar cheese scone: My mini sandwich scone.

Life can have a little pleasure, ^^. Well I mean how about a scone sandwich that takes less time to make than going out to buy a bread. Plus this one is very tasty too.
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