Saturday, September 10, 2011

Starbucks "VIA" Iced Coffee with Milk: Have your iced coffee and enjoy it!

Today I got a special package arrived, and yes it's a gift from Starbucks, haha. Well, they know that I really love their coffee and it's something new that they want me to try.  

It's Starbucks "VIA", ready brew (instant) coffee from Starbucks. If you live in US, you must know about it or try it before but this instant coffee just arrive in Thailand and start selling on 6th of September. 
Actually I got an invitation to join the workshop on 3th of September but I had a lot to do and just couldn't make it, and when I told them, they are kind enough to send me these gift ^^.
So, what I will do when I get some coffee, all I have to do is drink it, hehe. In Thailand, there are only 2 flavors of Starbucks "VIA" that you will find, the Ready brew Colombia and Ready brew Italian roast.
I already tried 2 of them and in my opinion I love the rich aroma of the Ready brew Italian roast more than Ready brew Colombia, may be because I like my coffee to have more depth and it will open my eyes, -*- I'm the people who always feel sleepy in the morning. My friend said that the taste of the Starbucks "VIA" is a bit sour (that happen in most of the instant coffee due to the process but she said it not as much as other brand of instant coffee), and I felt it too but for me it's acceptable. It's a good when you don't want to do anything more than cut the packet and mix with water and a bit of flavoring. For me it's great for making iced coffee, but you have to find out by yourself, people have different taste in drinking coffee, I can't say that you have to trust me, ^^. 
Anyway, the thing that I love most from this "VIA" thing is I can mix it with any kind of liquid, ^^, hot or cold. I think that it will be good if I use it in baking too.
Well if you're the one that love all things Starbucks (like me, haha, you can see from my blog that I love it), or just want to try something new this instant coffee is in store now.
And beside from the coffee, I got the recipe too, and it's the most interesting part for me. So today I just want to share it with you.
My new toy, ^^ a stainless steel tumbler with 6 "VIA" containers on the side.

 Starbucks "VIA" Iced Coffee with Milk
Make 1 

1 ............................................ Starbucks "VIA" of your choice (for me I use Ready brew Italian roast)
120ml ................................... Cold water
80ml ..................................... Milk (I use whole milk)
1½ tsp .................................. Super fine sugar (more or less will depend on your taste)

Put everything together in a measuring cup and stir to combine.
Pour over a glass of ice and serve yourself, haha.

Adaptation from: The recipe of Starbucks "VIA" 
Starbucks "VIA" Iced Coffee with Milk: 
Have your iced coffee and enjoy it!


  1. that's kinda cute, dont think they have it here in Malaysia yet.. so nice to have free stuffs!

  2. Awesome article and website. I wasn't sure you can do cold coffee drinks with the ready brew. Thank you!

  3. For a really good Peppermint taste, try putting an 1/8 teaspoon on warm, stove made coffee. It REALLY helps open your sinuses.


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