Saturday, April 30, 2011

Carrot Cupcakes: Easy cupcake for everyone!

My sister and my nephew come to stay with me for a while, ^^, well I'm so happy to have them here. Because both of them love to eat cake!!!!!!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

April 2011 Daring Bakers’ Challenge # 51: MAPLE MOUSSE SERVED IN AN EDIBLE CONTAINER

 First I have to make a confession, I really forgot about this month challenge -*-. As I told you that I have a lot to do lately and I have so little time to be in front of the computer.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Guimauve à Matcha or Green tea marshmallow: Bitter taste that you will enjoy.

I love to play with Marshmallow ^^, as I told you before I always have a lot of egg white (due to the fact that my family love to eat ice cream), and finding the recipe to use it is one of my work too.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Chicken Farm Baker's Project # 33 Thai delicious desserts :Kanom Piak Poon, Black coconut husks sweet pudding

I rarely make Thai desserts, both in my blog and in my life, not that I don’t like it but I always think that Thai desserts need a lot of understanding than other kinds of desserts.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Orange Marmalade Pound cake: Long time, many cakes, one recipe.

The first time that I made this recipe was a long time ago, and I didn’t like it. The cake was not very bad, but the problem came from the fact that I don’t like the bitter orange marmalade (that someone gave me and I used it in the cake) and too sweet cake.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Maltesers squares: Never have enough of it!

 I just fall in love with all the candy and chocolate, you can see from my recipe list, that I like to use all of them if I have a chance. For this time, I just see the recipe in the book, and I want to make it.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Strawberry and vanilla crumb cake: Playing around when you have a little time

There are a lot of strawberry in the supermarket lately, thank to the Korean people ^^, haha.  I love that I can buy it every times that I want to make something from Strawberry even someone may say that it's not right to eat something that comes so far away, well I think that if it's still delicious, it's alright for me.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Pain aux noix: Walnut bread, My new delicious bread !

Last month, my dad took a Chinese medicine (the one that you have to boil it in the pot) and after the doctor he said that my dad couldn't eat egg when he take the medicine. The daily bread that my dad eats every morning is made by me ^^, so I had to find new recipe to make.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Mixed nuts Brownies: Delicious chocolate brownies, one piece is not enough!

Last week, I really want to eat a slice of brownie, as I said only 1 slice will be enough, but even I want to eat only one piece, I still have to make full recipe,  haha. So all I had to do is finding the smallest recipe (because my sister doesn't like chocolate, so if I make it I have to finish it by myself).

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Mascarpone Blueberry Biscuits: Soft and Mild biscuits

 I'm just coming back from Cook to cure: Fundraising Baking Workshop that I joined with my friend (you can see photos here), and all the fund will go to Phrabatnampu foundation that helps people who Phrabatnampu Temple located in Lopburi province, provides free shelter, food, medicine, clothing and all the other basic necessities to the HIV positive children and orphan with AIDS, who were abandoned by their families.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Jolly Jammers: Little treat from my delicious jam!

Making blog gives me many things, like something to do when I'm bored (and that's often, hehe), sharing some good (or even great) recipes with the people who love to bake and most of all "Friends". 
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