Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Basic: Yellow Sponge Cake

I got this recipe from ........................
It can be used in many kind of recipe, instead of plain sponge cake or as a light butter cake. For the fat part, if you want the cake to be softer use all oil instead half oil half butter. 
I adapt the recipe to be smaller, so you don't have to worried about the leftover (but it's delicious, I know that you don't mind to eat its crumbs ^^).

Yellow sponge cake
40g .................................. Cake flour
30g .................................. Cornstarch
2 ...................................... Large eggs
2 ...................................... Egg yolks
65g .................................. Sugar
½tsp ................................. Coarse salt
½tbsp ............................... Vanilla extract
¼cup ................................. Vegetable oil
¼cup ................................. Melted butter (warm)

Preheat the oven to 375°F or 190°C.
Sift the flour and Cornstarch together, set aside.
Line 25x25cm baking pan with baking paper.
Mix melted butter with vegetable oil.

Beat the eggs, egg yolks, sugar and salt until very thick and pale (thick ribbon).
Add the vanilla and beat to combine.
Pour the sifted flour into the egg mixture, fold to combine.
Pour the melted butter mixture (drizzling, if possible) into the batter and fold to combine.
Pour the mixture into prepared pan.

Bake for 18 minutes or until golden and spring when touch lightly.
Remove the cake from the pan and let it cool on a wire rack.

Basic: Yellow Sponge Cake


  1. Wish you and Family a Joyful Chinese new Year!

  2. I am trying these days lots of recipes to find the perfect one for Valentine’s Day and this recipe is definitely a try one. Thank you for sharing.

  3. Prefectly baked spongy cake looks marvellous..

  4. Hi Khun Pook, thanks for the lovely recipe. Did bake one today and gone in 30 mins. Can i double the recipe to make a higher and bigger cake? Thanks.

  5. Yes, you can double the recipe, but don't forget to increase the baking time too ^^.

  6. How can u measure grams how many grams are in a teaspoon or a tablespoon?

  7. You can use this table (http://dailydelicious.blogspot.com/2007/11/basic-pastry-ingredients-weights-and.html) as a guide.

  8. Hi Pook,

    I would like to do this cake 1 day in advance. Will the sponge cake turn out to be dry the next day? I will also like to know if my creaming and piping still retain it shape.

    Thank you.


  9. No, this one is quite rich and not dry easily ^^. But remember to cover it completely after cooling.

  10. Made this yesterday, it was so soft but I realised that it is abit of oily...can I reduce the oil?

  11. Yes, you can reduce the fat in this recipe, try using only 3/4 or half of the given amount ^^.

  12. Hi Pook! Is this cake suitable for layered cakes to be covered with buttercream and/or fondant? is the structure strong enough?

    1. Yes, you can use it instead of basic butter cake (actually, the texture is close to butter cake ^^).
      I once used it to make layer cake too "http://dailydelicious.blogspot.com/2010/11/happy-birthday-my-dearest-niece-iris.html"

    2. Thanks pook! I guess since it contains half oil, would be softer than butter cake even if stored in the fridge right? The birthday cake Looks so good! Your niece is so lucky! ^^ do you think i could bake it straight in a round baking pan and cut into layers? I don't have such a big square baking pan.. May have go go and buy =O

    3. Yes, it's softer than all butter cake ^^, and you can bake in a round cake pan too.


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