Friday, October 13, 2023

Jam Sandwich Cookies

I rarely made other kinds of cookies for months.

After I bought the dough sheeter, the only cookie that I had to make was "Butterfly" a puff pastry cookie that's rich with butter and sugar it's my family's favorite and I didn't make it for a long time, ^^". 

But for this week, I wanted to make something else, 
I have many cute pattern cookie cutters that I want to play with, I want to find a good recipe to keep in my blog. The cookie that I want is the one that is easy to make, not too hard but the pattern on the cookie has to be clear. This recipe can be the answer. 

Using the cutting method (mix the flour mixture with butter before adding the liquid), is the way that we can prevent the gluten from forming, the cookie will spread less than the creaming method so the shape and pattern will be clear and sharp. Using only the egg yolk (egg yolk contains fat not water) the cookie texture will be crumby than using whole egg or egg white,

You can use this recipe for making cute pattern cookies (with your cookie cutters, hehe), too, for simple pattern cookies I suggest rolling the dough into 5 mm. thickness instead of 3 mm. It will be easier to cut too.

Jam Sandwich Cookies
Make 12 Sandwich Cookies

75 g ....................... Cake flour
1/8 tsp ..................... Salt
10 g ......................... Almond powder
30 g ......................... Icing sugar
40 g ......................... Unsalted butter (cut into 1 cm cubes)
1 ............................... Egg yolk
100-140 g ................. Jam

Put the flour, almond powder, icing sugar, and salt into a bowl of a mini-chopper.
Process until combined. 

Add the butter and process to combine.

Add the egg yolk.

Process until the dough forms.

Remove from the bowl. Press the dough with the palm of your hand.

Roll the cookie dough between a sheet of baking paper. until the thickness of the dough is about 3 mm. 

Refrigerate for 60 minutes.

Cut with a 4x5 cm. cookie cutter. You will get about 24 pieces.

Place on a lined baking sheet and refrigerate for 60 minutes.

Before baking, preheat an oven to 170℃

Bake for 10-12 minutes.

Let the cookie cool on the baking sheet.

Microwave the jam at 600w for 30 seconds, repeat 2-3 times. Stir to let the water evaporate and the jam will thicken.

Spread the jam over 1 piece of the cookie.

Sandwich with another piece of cookie. Ready to enjoy!

Jam Sandwich Cookies


1 comment:

  1. A fantastic recipe that everyone we knew really enjoyed! Thanks and keep it up!


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