Friday, October 20, 2023

Blueberry cream cheese Bread

Another menu for berry lovers ^^.

I can't stop buying fresh fruits, I know that for everyone who loves to cook, fresh and juicy fruits are the fuel for our idea.
And today, I turned my blueberry into a lovely and delicious bread.

The filling of this bread is a mixture of blueberry and cream cheese. I made a blueberry paste (by cooking the blueberry and sugar until most of the liquid had evaporated before mixing it with the cream cheese.
The first time that I tested this recipe, the filling blasted (OK, part of it was my fault, I used too much filling ^^"), but one of the problems was the expansion of the liquid. So, for this time, I added a bit of the cake flour into the filling to absorb the liquid and make the filling more controllable. And you can see the filling sets perfectly now.
For the bread dough, the amount of milk that you need depends on the thickness of the yogurt that you use, if your yogurt is thick, you will need more milk (and if the yogurt is thin, you will need less). 
You can eat it as is or toast it, it's delicious in both ways.

Blueberry cream cheese Bread
Makes one 7 × 21 × 7cm. loaf

Yogurt bread
160 g ................... Bread flour
1 tbsp ................... Granulated sugar
3/4 tsp ................... Instant yeast
1/2 tsp ................... Salt
70-75 g ................... Milk*
65 g ................... Plain yogurt
10 g ................... Unsalted butter
........................... Unsalted butter, for brushing the top of the bread

Blueberry cream cheese filling
200 g ................... Blueberry (frozen is OK)
50 g ................... Granulated sugar
1 tsp ................... Lemon juice
1/8 tsp ................... Salt
55 g ................... Cream cheese
1/2 tsp ................... Cake flour

*The amount of milk that you need depends on the thickness of the yogurt that you use, if your yogurt is thick, you will need more milk (and if the yogurt is thin, you will need less). 

Put the flour, sugar, and yeast into a bowl and whisk to combine. Add the salt and whisk again.

Pour the milk and plain yogurt into the bowl.

Mix until a dough formed.

Remove from the bowl. Knead for 7-8 minutes.

Or until smooth.

Add the unsalted butter and knead for 5-6 minutes.

Roll into a ball.

Put into a bowl, cover, and let it rise for 45 minutes.

Put the blueberry, lemon juice, and salt into a pan. Place over low heat.

Cook for 15 minutes, or until most of the liquid has evaporated.

Let it cool completely.

Fold the dough to release the gas.

Cover and let it rise for 45 minutes more.

When the dough is ready.

Cut the dough into 2 equal pieces. Roll each piece into a ball. Cover and let it rest for 20 minutes.

Mix the cream cheese and the cake flour together.

Add the blueberry paste, mix to combine, and put the filling into a piping bag.

 Brushed 7 × 21 × 7cm. Loaf pan with butter.

Roll with a rolling pin into a 12 x 19 cm. rectangular.

Pipe the filling over the dough.

Roll the dough into a log.

Seal the seam.

Do the same for another piece of the dough.

Roll and stretch the dough into a 23 cm. log.

And twist the dough together.

Put the dough into the prepared pan and press lightly.

Cover and let it rise for 40-50 minutes.

Preheat the oven to 200℃.

When the dough is ready.

Bake in the preheated oven at 200℃ for 20 minutes.

Brush the top with the unsalted butter.

Remove it from the pan and let it cool completely on a wire rack.

Blueberry cream cheese Bread


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