Saturday, May 17, 2014

Pistachio Vanilla Entremets

When starting to renovate my house (almost a month ago), I thought I won't be able to bake or playing with my food as usual.
But it's not true, everything depends on me ^^, if I really want to do it I will find the way, hehe. After setting up some space for my oven, packing (and unpacking) now I think it's time to do something I love. 
I love making entremets, putting layers of different flavor and texture into one cake is fun, and if you know the trick it's not hard to make them at home. When making entremets, the key is to let each layer firm before adding next (and freeze the insert is a must). So freezing between making each layer will help. After cutting the entremets into pieces, you need to refrigerate to let it soften before serving.
This time I make Pistachio white chocolate mousse with vanilla mousse, red berry jelly and pistachio sponge ^^. I got the greeniest pistachio paste from Gelupo (in Soho, London) it's made from Sicilian pistachio, so the color of the paste is pure green, and so beautiful. If using other brand of pistachio paste you may need green food coloring to turn the mousse into bright green color. I thought about using it many times before but want some recipe that let the pistachio shine, and I finally found the right recipe for it now.

 Pistachio Vanilla
Make 18x18cm cake

Pistachio sponge
1 ................................... Egg
20g .............................. Granulated sugar (A)
7g ................................. Pistachio paste
20g .............................. Almond powder
1 ................................... Egg white
12g ............................... Granulated sugar (B)
7g ................................. Cake flour
10g ............................... Unsalted butter, melted

Vanilla mousse
250g ............................. Whole milk
1/2 ............................... Vanilla bean
50g ............................... Granulated sugar
40g ............................... Egg yolks (about 2)
20g ............................... Custard powder
4g .................................. Gelatin sheets
30g ................................ Unsalted butter, soft
160g .............................. Whipping cream

Red berry jelly
75g ................................. Strawberry puree
75g ................................. Raspberry puree
23g ................................ Granulated sugar
4g .................................. Gelatin sheets

Pistachio white chocolate mousse 
6g .................................. Granulated sugar
80g ............................... Whole milk
24g ................................ Egg yolks
2.5g ............................... Gelatin sheets
95g ................................ White chocolate, chop if large
45g ................................ Pistachio paste
170g .............................. Whipping cream

For decorating 
........................................ Pistachio and white chocolate

Make Pistachio sponge
Preheat the oven to 200 °C
Line 20x20cm pan with baking paper
Sift the flour, and set aside.

Mix the pistachio paste with almond powder, egg and sugar (A) together.
Make the meringue by beating the egg white and sugar (B) together until stiff peak form.
Fold the meringue into pistachio mixture in 2 additions; be careful not to knock off the air.
Fold the sifted flour into the batter.

Fold the melted butter into the batter.
Pour into the prepared pan, and bake for 12 minutes or until golden.
Remove form the oven and let the sponge cool on a wire rack, then cut into 18x18cm and place the sponge in a square cake mold. 

Make Vanilla mousse
Bloom the gelatin sheets in iced cold water. 
Beat the egg yolks, sugar, seeds from the vanilla bean and custard powder together, boil the milk, then slowly whisk it into the egg yolk mixture. Put the saucepan over low heat, stir all the time and heat until 82°C.
Take the pan out of the heat and stir in the gelatin.

Pour the custard into a bowl and stir in the butter. Let the custard cool completely (place a piece of plastic warp directly over the custard to prevent the skin to form).

Whip the whipping cream until soft peaks form.
Fold 1/3 of the whipping cream into custard.
Pour the mixture back into the whipped cream bowl, fold to combine.
Pour the vanilla mousse over the sponge and freeze.

Make Red berry jelly
Bloom the gelatin sheets in iced cold water.
Boil the strawberry puree, sugar and raspberry puree together until the sugar melt, then take it out of the heat and stir in the gelatin.
Let the mixture cool completely.

Pour the Red berry jelly over the vanilla mousse and freeze.

Make Pistachio white chocolate mousse 

Bloom the gelatin sheets in iced cold water. 
Beat the egg yolks with pistachio paste and sugar, boil the milk, then slowly whisk it into the egg yolk mixture. Put the saucepan over low heat, stir all the time and heat until 82°C.

Take the pan out of the heat and stir in the gelatin and white chocolate.
Let the mixture cool.

Whip the whipping cream until soft peaks form.
Fold 1/3 of the whipping cream into pistachio mixture.

Pour the mixture back into the whipped cream bowl, fold to combine.
Pour the pistachio mousse over the jelly and freeze until firm.
Remove from the freezer and cut into pieces, decorate with chopped pistachio and white chocolate, and refrigerate until ready to eat.

Pistachio Vanilla Entremets


  1. nice cake, nice photo...“赞”

  2. Pretty and elegant. Thanks for sharing.

    Have a nice day.


  3. Dit is wel heel professioneel!

  4. Hi,looks profession ^.^,I'm wondering about how could you measure the small quantities (ex:5gm and less) !can I use the measuring spoons tbsp=15ml I make it as 15gm coz it's hard to use the electric balance for that purpose ,sorry for long note..thanks Pook for your blog luv it^*^

  5. Hi, I use electric balance (mine is start from 0.1g) ^^, it's great for making small pastry style cake.

    1. Thanks for your answer I'll look for a balance like yours ;)

  6. Tried this recipe and it turned out amazing! Thanks for the recipe :)

  7. If I wanted to bake this in a 16 cm cake ring, what would the quantities be?
    Please help!

  8. You will need about 3/4 of the original recipe.

  9. Wanted to try it this weekend, but what is Custard powder? Like these Dr.Oetker sells in shops?

  10. Tried out this recipe! Really delicious! Thanks for sharing :)

  11. Hi, beautiful piece of art I loveee ur blog. Just want to ask u about pistachio paste, I read u bought from Gelupo in London normally they sell ice cream... do they sell pistachio paste well?

  12. Hi, Azullful Morabit
    They sell Italian products as well (but not much), walk into the shop and you will see a small shelf on the back.

  13. Beautiful recipe! I live up North and pistachio paste is NOT easy to find at a decent price, so I made my own for pennies and it turned out perfect. A very impressive dessert for a dinner party.

  14. Hello - lovely recipe! Could I make this in small / individual circle molds instead of one large mold that is then cut up? If so how would you change the recipe? Thank you!

    1. Yes, you can use individual mold for this recipe but the amount of the recipe that you need will depend on the size of the mold.

  15. Hi, thanks for the delicious recipe. Just one question, when the cake is frozen how do you cut it without breaking off chunks of frozen mousse? I tried a hot knife and the tops cut well but the bottoms cracked and was nowhere near as straight or pretty as the ones in your pictures... any tips?

    1. I use a long cake knife and heat it with blow torch until very hot, and cut it in single cut ^^.


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