Sunday, January 5, 2014

Cooking for 2: Dry curry with rice (ドライカレー)

What will you do on weekend ? Try to make something elaborating or just simple and easy ^^.
Well whatever you do, the choice is yours. For me, I think cooking something quick and easy (yes, delicious too) is my choice. Actually I love eating Japanese curry dish but to make it delicious and hearty, you need a lot of time for simmering it.
So, today it's a short-cut. No need to standing for 1 hour in front of the stove, ^^. If you love to eat rice with something full of flavor, this one will be your dish. Serve it with warm and soft cooked rice, this one dish meal will fulfil your stomach and your soul, ^^. 


 Dry curry with rice 
Serve 2

1 ....................... Carrot (use small size one, chopped)
1 ....................... Onion, chopped
2 cubes ............ Japanese Curry roux (カレールウ), chopped
1tsp .................. Finely chopped garlic
1tbsp ................ Oil, for stir frying
........................... Pinch of salt
200g ................. Minced meat
1tbsp ................. Sake
200ml .............. Water
-1tbsp ................ Ketchup
-1/2tbsp ............ Worcester Sauce
-1/2tbsp ............ Miso

For serving:
2 cup ......................... Cooked rice
2 ................................ Soft boiled eggs
 .................................. Chopped parsley 

The key ingredient is Japanese Curry roux (カレールウ).

Put the oil into the pan, over medium heat. Put garlic, carrot and onion into the pan and stir fry until softened, add salt and minced meat, stir fry until the meat start to cook. Add sake, then pour the water into the pan with chopped Japanese Curry roux and all the seasoning ingredients. Stir fry until fully combine, season to taste.
To serve:
Put cooked rice on a plate, spoon the dry curry on top and place soft boiled egg on the side. Sprinkle with chopped parsley and serve immediately.

小1本................. にんじん (みじん切り)
1 ......................... 玉ねぎ (みじん切り)
2片 ............ カレールウ, 粗く刻んでおく
さじ1 .................. にんにく(みじん切り)
大さじ1 ............ 炒め油
........................... 塩, 適量
200g ................. ひき肉(鶏でも豚でも合挽でも)
大さじ1 ................. 酒
200ml .............. 
-大さじ1 ................ ケチャップ
-大さじ1/2............ ウスターソース
-大さじ1/2 ............ みそ

For serving:
2人分....................... ごはん
2 ................................ ゆで卵
 .................................. パセリ(みじん切り)

フライパンにサラダ油大さじ1を中火で熱し、にんにく、 玉ねぎとニンニクを炒める。中火で玉ねぎが透き通るまで炒める。

Cooking for 2: Dry curry with rice (ドライカレー)


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