Sunday, March 10, 2013

Diplomatico: Chocolate and coffee no bake cake.

This cake is very easy to make ^^, actually it's very suitable for me because now I'm in the lazy mode (again).

Using Sponge finger biscuits for the base of the cake, make life easier, hehe, but if you want you can bake the biscuits by yourself, and remember that home made biscuits will need less coffee than the commercial one ^^.
The taste of the cake is very rich with both coffee, chocolate, and a lot of Coffee liqueur. It's an easy make-ahead dessert, prepare it and put it in the fridge, a good idea for a party. 
Serve it with a cup of hot coffee will be great esp. after a delicious dinner, haha.

Make 15 cm cake

75g .................................. Dark chocolate
120g ................................ Whipping cream
1tbsp ............................... Icing sugar
2 tbsp .............................. Coffee liqueur
60g ................................... Strong black coffee
14 pieces .......................... Sponge finger biscuits
120g ................................. Whipping cream
20g ................................... Icing sugar
1tbsp ................................ Coffee liqueur
........................................... Cocoa powder, for sprinkle on top of the cake
Place plastic warp into the bottom removable pan.
Mix the coffee with Coffee liqueur. 
 Melt the chocolate by putting the chocolate in the bowl and place the bowl over the pan of hot water, and mix with  40g of whipping cream.
Whip the rest of the whipping cream with the icing sugar until soft peaks formed, fold the whipped cream into the melted chocolate mixture. 
 Place the Sponge finger biscuits in the prepared pan, and sprinkle with half of the coffee mixture. Spread half of the chocolate cream over the Sponge finger biscuits.
Place the rest of the Sponge finger biscuits over the chocolate cream and sprinkle with the rest of the coffee mixture. Spread the rest of the chocolate cream over the Sponge finger biscuits. Refrigerate for 1 hour.

Whip the whipping cream with icing sugar and Coffee liqueur until soft peaks formed, and spread over the chocolate cream. Sprinkle with cocoa powder.
Refrigerate for 1 hour before serving.

Diplomatico: Chocolate and coffee no bake cake.


  1. Wow... I hd made ths believe me, ur pic is urging me to make once mre

  2. looks delicious =D Yeah... sometimes I can be lazy too =p so I have a couple of "no bake" cake recipes as well! Might make this soon because the weather has been so hot and i have some leftover sponge biscuits! thanks!


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