Saturday, March 2, 2013

Caramel, caramel ice cream: You know I love it!

I know that the weather in Thailand is too warm by now, haha, 

To fight the hot weather ^^, I have to keep on making the ice cream. This one is the flavor that I love it so much "CARAMEL", I think that it's one of many people favorite.
I want the rich flavor of the caramel in the ice cream, so I use a lot of sugar for making the caramel base, then mix it with the ice cream base. And to add more caramel taste, I use more caramel sauce, hehe. So, each scoop will be packed up with the caramel taste. Anyway the caramel sauce is additional, you can add more or less depend on how much you want it ^^.
Note: For the caramel sauce if your is very thick, warm it then add more whipping cream until it pourable.

Caramel, caramel ice cream
Serve well, I don't know, it depends on how much you love it ^^

Caramel Base
100g ............................. Sugar
1tbsp ............................. Water
100g .............................. Whipping cream
........................................ a pinch of salt
Ice cream base
60g ................................ Sugar
250ml ........................... Milk
450g .............................. Whipping cream
6 ..................................... Egg yolks

........................................ Caramel sauce 
First make the caramel base:

Combine the sugar and water in a heavy saucepan and stir well to mix. Put the cream and salt in a second small saucepan (or put in the microwave proved measuring cup). Place the first pan on medium heat and cook undisturbed until the sugar begins to melt and caramelize-you’ll see a few wisps of smoke coming out of the sugar. Reduce the heat to low and stir occasionally so that the sugar melts and caramelizes evenly. Remove it from the heat when the caramel is still very pale (the sugar will continue to darken off the heat). Slide the pan with the cream onto the burner. As soon as the cream has some bubbles around the edge (if using microwave put the cup in the microwave and heat for 40 seconds), add it to the caramel at arm’s length, averting your face—the caramel will boil up and may splatter out of the pan. Pour the diluted caramel into a medium bowl and cool it to room temperature.

Make the ice cream base

In a small saucepan, heat the milk over medium heat until bubbles form around the edges of the pan.

In a saucepan, with a whisk, beat sugar and egg yolk together until very thick and smooth. Gradually add the hot milk mixture, whisk all the time to prevent the yolk to become curdle.
Meanwhile, pour the whipping cream into the bowl and place the bowl over an ice bath, place the strainer over the bowl.

Return the mixture to the saucepan and cook over low heat, stirring constantly with a wooden spoon, until the mixture thickens slightly and coats the back of the spoon (about 80°C). 

Remove the pan from heat and pour through the strainer into the whipping cream bowl.
Pour the caramel into the ice cream base and stir until combine. Let the base cool completely.
Cover and refrigerate until thoroughly chilled.

 Transfer to an ice cream maker and freeze according to the manufacturer's instructions.
Use the caramel sauce to drizzle over the ice cream (as much as you want ^^) and freeze until firm.

Caramel, caramel ice cream: You know I love it!


  1. This looks so yummy, I can't wait to give it a try, new follower here, can't wait to read through some more of your recipes

  2. Hi there, I'm a big fan of your blog. I'm wondering how you can bake so often and yet not put on weight?? You blog really often so I believe you should be baking everyday right? I'm trying to lose some weight but I've got a major sweet tooth and desserts are making me fat!

  3. This looks delicious - homemade ice cream is such a treat! Maple flavoured syrup works well too. It just adds a slightly nuttier flavour to the caramel...

  4. That looks amazing!!!


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