Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Summer Berry Drizzle Cupcake: Happiness in your kitchen, fulfill your mood and your tummy.

 At home, finally ^^. I feel like last month is "my life on the road" chapter, haha, so little time at home. Anyway there is something that I miss, my oven.

So the first thing that I want to do is turn it on and bake something yummy (and easy, because I have a lot of work to do too ^^"). Well, while away from home, I always get some magazine to keep me company, and end up with a bag full of magazines. This month, I got Jamie, Goodfood, Gourmet, and delicious ^^, and a feeling that I want to bakeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!
There are a lot of interesting recipes, but as I said my choice is something easy and delicious, so I start to browse the magazines (again, after wanting to do everything, hehe). Then some page catch my eyes, the berry drizzle cake, very easy and tempting. 
The simple pound cake recipe with a lot of berry and syrup, you can imagine how good it's. So, I took a break from my work and used about 15 minutes (working time, because after that the oven will take care of it ^^) to bake this delicious cupcake. Only 35 minutes after all I have to do is drizzle the sweet and tangy berry syrup over the hot cupcake and waiting for it to cool down. But sorry, I didn't wait that long, I just eat it right away, haha, and ohhhhhh!, it's so good. 
The cake is soft and sweet with a little tangy touch from the blackberry, well I really couldn't resist it.
So, if you're in the same league, taking a little time off ^^, and let's go to the kitchen with me. Baking will make you happy and fulfill, both in your mood and your tummy.

Summer Berry Drizzle Cupcakes
Makes 5 cupcakes

85g ............................. Unsalted butter, soft
85g ............................. Golden caster sugar
120g ........................... Cake flour

½ tsp ......................... Baking powder
1 .................................. Egg
1tsp ............................. Vanilla extract
20ml ........................... Milk

..................................... A pinch of salt
85g .............................. Blackberries
30g .............................. Sugar

Preheat the oven to 180 °C
Place the baking paper in to the cupcake tins.
Sift the flour and baking powder together.

 Beat the butter, salt and sugar until light and puffy, add the vanilla extract and beat to combine. Put the egg into the butter and beat to combine. 

 Pour half of the flour mixture into the butter mixture and beat to combine, follow by the milk beat to combine. Put the rest of the flour into the batter and beat until combine.
 Spoon the batter into prepared pan half way, place the blackberry (about 2 pieces) and cover with batter, then place another blackberry on top.
 Mix the rest of the blackberry with 30g of sugar (if the mixture dry add 1tsp of lemon juice), mashing the fruit as you go.
Bake for 35 minutes or until the cake is spring when touch lightly.
Poke the cake with a skewer, and spoon the blackberry mixture over the cake.
Let the cupcake cool.
Summer Berry Drizzle Cupcake: 
Happiness in your kitchen,
 fulfill your mood and your tummy.


  1. I love this type of easy yet delicious bake recipes the best! :) Thanks for sharing!

  2. I loove berry... i'm crazy about them lately, i made everything with them! Now gotta try your cupcakes!

  3. Apart from your bakes, I like your optimism :) Keep up the good work :)

  4. Hi, Aimei
    You're welcome ^^, I love it too, it's great when you have so little time.
    Hi, Valerie
    Oh! Yes you should try this, a lot of berry to enjoy.
    Hi, Swee San
    Haha, Thank you, I think optimism is something that all of us need to be happy everyday.
    Hi, Krithi
    Thank you.

  5. When I look at your cupcakes I'm already in a better mood. The recipe is so easy. I have to make them someday :) Hope to see more of your bakes form these magazines. I'm addicted to your weblog. Good job! :)

  6. Hi, Silverose
    Haha, Thank you ^^.
    I have a long long lists now, and wander how can I do it all, hehe.


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