Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Eton mess cupcakes: Strawberry meringue cupcakes

What will I do when I have strawberry in my fridge?, Well I bake a cake, hehe. This time I want to turn something simple into special, may be a meringue can help ^^.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

August 2011 Daring Bakers’ Challenge # 55: Candylicious! Chocolate & Almond Praline Truffles and Strawberry Paté de Fruit

 Candy and chocolate ^^, I know everyone love it!!!! And for me making any kinds of candy or chocolate makes me so happy. This month "August 2011 Daring Bakers’ Challenge # 55 is Candylicious! (and may I add the chocolicious too)

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Baked cheese cake:One recipe from my long, long lists ^^

If I say that I want to try this recipe for almost 10 years, will you believe me ^^? And I don’t know why, it’s not a hard recipe after all. 

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Aspiring Bakers #10: Easy as Pie (August 2011): Rum - Vanilla Cream Pie

I love to join all the baking event on the internet, and yes there are many ^^. I had a chance to participate in Aspiring Bakers before Aspiring Bakers #3: My Favorite CNY Cookie (Jan 2011) Chinese almond cookies and it's a long time ago.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Macaron à la rose: My life is sweet!

 This cute little cookie is so  adorable, and there are many possibility in flavoring it.  Making macaron is something I love to do ^^. 

Monday, August 15, 2011

Chicken farm bakers' project # 38 : Egg white free, gluten free and also non dairy dessert, Allergen free Boston cream cake

It's not easy for me to make this project, the Chicken farm bakers' project # 38 : Egg white free, gluten free and also non dairy dessert, I had to thrown away the first trial of my cake.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Tiramisu de fraises: Strawberry Tiramisu, Fresher side of Tiramisu

Oh, no not again, I know that you will say this, when you see "TIRAMISU" on my post, right? But this time my tiramisu is not the same as always, well, you can see from its color ^^

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Basic plain meringue : My white guilt!

Plain and simple, meringue is something that many people take for grated. Even I don't like too eat very sweet thing but meringue is my both love and hate. 

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Roast Tomato Thyme and Cheddar Tart: Thin Tart with full flavor!

 Last night I spent most of my time reading, well you can guess what kind of book that I read, haha. I saw this recipe in the  ............... and it looks so gooood!

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Black forest cake : La forêt noire, Classic cake my style!

When I look at the list of the cakes that I made until now, well I think it's a lot ^^, but why there are so many things that I never made before. Life has a lot to learn and for me, there are a lot of cake that waiting for me to try it, hehe.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Espresso Cupcakes: Beware this cake is not for kids!!

I believe that cupcake is one of the greatest things in the baking world, small but full of all thing that we love, the cup of happiness ^^.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Sachertorte : Not Original, but Truly Delicious!

 "The Original Sachertorte" is complicated enough to cause legal issues, but for me the cake is original or not is not important. The problem for me is "it's yummy or not ^^".
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