Friday, February 18, 2011

Home Made Almond Paste

Home made almond paste
Make about 400g 

150g ............................ Almond meal (or almond powder)
100-150ml ................. Simple syrup
150g ............................ Icing sugar

 Put almond meal and icing sugar in a bowl of food processor, and process until the mixture is powdery.
Pour enough syrup to make a soft but not watery paste, the amount of the syrup that you need will depend on the moisture of your almond meal.


  1. Hi! Any idea on how long can it keep (and the marzipan recipe too?) Thanks! I recently discovered your blog and I love it! :)

  2. You can keep it for 1 month, in the refrigerator.

  3. Thanks for the reply!!

  4. Just discovered your site, your entremets are really awesome and I love you make your recipes so easy to follow.<3 I have a question though, is there any substitute for almond paste, almond flour, or almond powder? almond products are hard to come by here -_-' oh and for the creme frambaise for those raspberry recipes, as well. hehe, i wanted to try making all your recipes but i can't find some of the ingredients anywhere :| Thank you so much in advance! :3

  5. I think if you can get raw almond it will be OK, be cause you can make all of them by yourself, substitute for almond is not easy.
    For the creme de framboise if it's not much you can leave it out or you can use raspberry flavor instead.

  6. Thank you so much for replying, you're really a big help :D


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