Friday, November 19, 2010

Quatre-Quarts au Chocolate: Simple chocolate pound cake in my new stylish loaf pan

Quatre-Quarts au Chocolate or Chocolate pound cake is the simple and delicious cake ^^, and it's very easy to make too.

Actually the real reason for making cake for this time is I just got very beautiful loaf pan, haha, and I really want to use it. It's a "Stylish loaf pan with removable base"(スタイリッシュパウンド型底取れ), that come from Many Many Make line of Makiko Fujino (藤野真紀子).  So, I have to think about what I will put in the pan ^^.  Finding the recipe is not hard for me, haha, I have a lot of the recipes to choose from, but the hardest thing is I can only make one at a time, -*-.
This time I give: ............................... a try, I have this book for 7 months by now, but I never made anything from this book, (I think my best friend will laugh at me when she see this blog and say that I choose the easiest recipe to make haha). 
But after comparing this recipe with other, this recipe is tempting, with a  lot of chocolate the chocolate flavor must be great, the brown sugar will make the cake moist and a lot of egg yolks will make the cake rich without a greasiness. With all these reasons in my mind, I decided, this chocolate pound cake has a right to get into my lovely pan, haha.
Anyway, I had to make some adaptation to make it fit for the pan, and luckily it works beautifully. 

I love this cake, for many reason, first it's delicious (^^, I know you think that I will say it's good looking, right?, but the most important thing for food is deliciousness), and second it's beautiful. But I have a word of warning, when you bake small cake, you have to be careful about the baking time, because the cake will dry easily. Check the cake before time (my baking time is a suggestion), your oven can behave different from me.
As I suggest you can use 27x5.7x4cm cake pan instead of the one that I use, because I know that not many people will crazy enough to collect a lot of different size of pan like me.

Quatre-Quarts au Chocolate (カトルカール・オ・ショコラ) =Chocolate pound cake (チョコレートのパウンドケーキ)

Quatre-Quarts au Chocolate
(Chocolate Pound Cake)
Make 14.5x7.5x6.5cm cake, or 27x5.7x4cm cake

30g .................................. Dark chocolate
40g .................................. All purpose flour
¼tsp ............................... Baking powder
35g ................................... Unsalted butter
45g ................................... Brown sugar
1 ....................................... Egg
1 ....................................... Egg yolk
20g .................................. Crème fraîche
.......................................... A pinch of salt
20g .................................. Pistachio 

Preheat the oven to 170°C
Place a baking paper in a pan.
Sift the flour, salt and baking powder together, set aside.
Melt chocolate in a bowl over a warm (50-55°C) water.

Beat the butter and brown sugar together until light, and puffy.
Add egg and egg yolk, then whisk to combine. Pour the melted chocolate into the batter whisk and follow with crème fraîche, whisk to combine.

Put the flour mixture into the batter and fold to combine.

Spoon the mixture into prepared cake tin and sprinkle with pistachio.
Bake for 25-30 minutes, or until a wooden stick inserted into the center comes out clean.

型: 14.5x7.5x6.5cm のパウンド型1台分 ( 27x5.7x4cm のパウンド型もOKです)

30g .................................. ビターチョコレート
40g .................................. 中力粉
¼tsp ............................... ベーキングパウダー
35g ................................... 無塩バター
45g ................................... ブラウンシュガー
1 ....................................... 卵
1 ....................................... 卵黄
20g .................................. Crème fraîche
ひとつまみ……………....... 塩
20g .................................. ピスタチオ

ボウルにやわらかくしたバターを入れ、泡立って器でクリーム状に練り、ブラウンシュガーを加えてふんわりするまですり混ぜる。卵黄、卵(1個分ずつ)、チョコレート、Crème fraîcheの順に加えそのつどよく混ぜる。

Quatre-Quarts au Chocolate: 
Simple chocolate pound cake in my new stylish loaf pan


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