Friday, August 9, 2024

Mini Green tea Cake

Besides having things to eat, baking something from the imagination is fun. 

Just thinking about what I want to make makes me happy. 
I wanted to use Cannelé mold for making different sweets a long time ago, well, I hope that you agree with me that the pattern of the mold is cute ^^. I tried it before but that time I used a 5.5 cm mold (standard Cannelé mold) and got a lovely cake but it's not as cute as I wanted.

And when I saw this Cannelé mold I said "Voila!", haha, it's what I want!!!!
The mold size is about 3.5x3.6cm.,  It's so small, and you will finish the cake in just two bites. The recipe is an adaptation of a basic pound cake. The cake is rich in taste and texture with a lot of green tea powder. 

If you don't have the same kind of mold, you can use other pans too (my Cannelé mold is 25 ml per piece). 
For me, white chocolate is not only for decoration, it adds a sweetness that contrasts with the bitterness of green tea. But you can skip it if you want. 

Mini Green tea Cake
20 Mini-Cannelé molds (3.5x3.6cm. per piece)

80 g ......................... Unsalted butter
1/8 tsp ..................... Salt
80 g ......................... Icing sugar 
80 g ......................... Egg
60 g ......................... Cake flour
18 g ......................... Almond powder
1 g ........................... Baking powder
8 g .......................... Green tea powder
10 g ......................... Milk
................................. White chocolate (Or White Chocolate Compound) 

Before baking, preheat an oven to 170℃
Brush 20 Mini-Cannelé molds (3.5x3.6cm. per piece) with unsalted butter.

Put the butter and salt into a bowl. Beat until smooth.

Add the icing sugar gradually. 

Beat until light in color.

Add the egg gradually.

Beat until fully combined.

Sift the flour, baking powder, almond powder, and green tea powder into the bowl. Fold to combine.

Add the milk to the bowl.

Fold to combine.

Divide the batter into the prepared molds. Tap the pan

Place a baking sheet or a baking pan lid on top. Bake for 16 minutes in the 170℃ preheated oven.

Drop the pan onto the table (about 10cm. Height)

Invert the mold to remove the cake and leave it to cool completely.

Dip the top of the cake into melted white chocolate (Or White Chocolate Compound)

Let the chocolate set before serving.

Note: Dipping twice will give you a thicker finish.

Mini Green tea Cake


1 comment:

  1. I baked this today. Love it! Thanks for sharing quick simple recipe.



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