Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Candied Bacon Maple Ice Cream

 I heard about this ice cream a long time ago, and really wanted to eat and make it. Bacon in ice cream? you may think it's strange.

I had a chance to try it last month, and it's disappointing. But I think it might come from the fact that I already have what I want in my mind. So, I think it's "TIME". I have to make it now. 
Making ice cream is not hard (esp. when you have an ice cream machine), just making the base and the rest of the work is in the machine. 
First, I need a base for my ice cream, I love egg yolk base ice cream, it's the most delicious ice cream for me. And yes, let's start from there. As this ice cream has a lot of maple syrup, sugar is just for mixing the egg yolks. Most of the sweetness comes from the maple syrup. 
Second, the candied bacon, well, I don't think you need anything much. Just cook it until crispy and coating it with thin layer of sugar is enough. There are many way to cook bacon, but I love this method. You start by put the bacon and water into the pan, and place it over the heat. After the water evaporates the fat from the bacon will coming out, easy? You can bake it too, but it makes the oven messy, and I'm too lazy to clean my oven, haha. 
When I serve this ice cream to my Mom, she asked me twice, "Is it really bacon ice cream?" and I say "Yes". I had to insist her to try it. And after trying (I made her try, haha), she said "It's delicious", well I'm so happy. Actually I really want you to try it before making it by yourself, ^^ but I can't so if you want to know if what I said is the truth or not, you have to make it, hehe.

Candied Bacon Maple Ice Cream 

Maple syrup ice cream
500g ................................... Whipping cream
300g .................................... Whole milk
6 .......................................... Egg yolks
2tbsp ................................... Granulated sugar
180g .................................... Maple syrup
............................................. Pinch of salt

Candied Bacon
300g .................................... Bacon
2tbsp ................................... Granulated sugar

Put whipping cream into a large bowl.
 Put egg yolks, granulated sugar, and pinch of salt in a heavy base medium saucepan, and whisk to combine.
Put milk and maple syrup in a pan and bring to boil, or boil it in a microwave at 600W for 3-4 minutes. 

 Pour the hot mixture into the saucepan, whisk all the time.
  Place the saucepan over low heat, whisk all the time until the temperature reach 82C.
  Pour the mixture pass a sieve into the whipping cream bowl, mix to combine and let the mixture cool completely.
Cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate for overnight or 12 hours.

 Put the bacon into a pan with 2tbsp of water.
Place over medium heat. 
 Cook until brown and crispy.
Remove from heat and place over paper towel, keep 1 tbsp of bacon fat for later use.

 Chop into small pieces.

 Return to the pan with 1tbsp of bacon fat, place the pan over low heat.
Sprinkle the sugar over the bacon.

 Cook until the sugar melt.
Remove from the heat, let the bacon cool completely before using.

Pour ice cream base into the ice cream making machine, and churn according to the manufacturer's instructions.
When the churning is completed, put the ice cream into a freezer-proof container and mix with candied bacon. Place baking paper or a piece of plastic wrap directly on the ice cream, freeze until firm enough to scoop.

Candied Bacon Maple Ice Cream 

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