Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Rum Raisin Ice cream: Prepare yourself to fall in love with it!

Actually this is one of my favorite flavor ^^, when ever I go to ice cream shop I always order it, but this is the first time that I make it by myself.

Rum Raisin Ice cream
I got a request (well a lot of it lately, hehe), and it made me realize that I never made it before!!!! So, I decide that I have to add it into my recipe list ^^. Rum raisin ice cream can be loved or hated, some people don't eat it at all because it contains rum (mean alcohol), that someone can't stand it. In my family, my mom don't drink and she doesn't like this ice cream, it's one of the reason why I don't make it ^^". 
So I have to accept that I will have to eat a lot of it if I make it, haha, and yes I'm ready!
You have to prepare this ice cream a night before, by macerating the raisins and dark rum, because it's where the rum flavor comes from.
I really enjoy this ice cream, and I don't mind eating a lot of it too.

Rum Raisin Ice cream
Makes about 1 and a half quart 

160g ............................... Granulated sugar
6 ...................................... Egg yolks
......................................... A pinch of salt
300g ............................... Whipping cream
240g ................................ Milk
60ml ................................ Dark rum
90g ................................... Raisins (chopped if large)

 Start by macerating the raisins and dark rum, overnight.
Beat the egg yolks with granulated sugar and salt until light in color.
Boil the milk and pour it slowly into the yolks mixture, whisk all the time, until combine.
Place the mixture over low heat and heat until 80°C, whisk constantly. 
Cool to room temperature and refrigerate until cool.

Whip the whipping cream until soft peaks form, then fold in the custard with the rum from the macerated raisins.
Churn the mixture in an ice-cream machine. 
As it thickens, add the  macerated raisins. Freeze until firm.

Rum Raisin Ice cream

Rum Raisin Ice cream: Prepare yourself to fall in love with it!


  1. I dont mind inviting myself to ur place to enjoy these yummy icecream..

  2. omgygoodness, i face the exact same problem as you! Both my sisters really don't enjoy the alchohol in rum and rasin ice cream which is why i hardly ever make rum and rasin related stuff even though i love it to bits cause i will just end up eating all of it myself! I will always order rum and rasin over chocolate or vanilla because its just the best combi ever don't you think? :D hahahahha
    -Simply Bakes

  3. Looks so delicious!!! But too sad, I don't have ice cream machine.

  4. Cool Recipes :)this is really yummy. There is nothing to argue about. Keep posting stuff like this i really like it.

  5. It's looking delicious and appreciated for this recipe . . keep posting other recipes !!

  6. Looks yummy! Is there a model/brand of Ice Cream Machine you can recommend? Thanks...

  7. For ice cream machine without chiller unit, I really love Kenwood ^^.


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