Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Ham and cheese ring bread

Ham and cheese is a very good combination, as I like to have a cheese on my bread so put it inside is not a bad option. I use the basic recipe from...................... (yes, this is the one that I forgot to take picture, Mikasan is very good at making bread when Takakosan is well known from her sweet), the recipe for rich bread is very easy to knead and easy to handle. You can use this base recipe to make many kinds of bread up to your desire, I got this idea when I see she make apple ring bread.
Ham and cheese ring bread
Makes 17 cm ring bread

Bread Flour
1 tsp
Instant dried yeast
2 tbsp
½ tsp
30 g
Unsalted butter (soft)
140 ml
whole milk
3 tbsp
5 slices
Ham (I use Paris ham)
30 g
Cheddar Cheese (grated)
40 g

Put the flour and yeast in a bowl, whisk to combine, add the sugar and salt whisk again. Pour the milk mixture into the bowl, use large spoon to mix everything together. Put the butter in the bowl and rub until all butter is distributed, and knead briefly to bring all the ingredients together. Take the dough out of the bowl and knead, until the dough is soft, smooth and elastic about 10 minutes.
Put the dough into a light buttered bowl. Let the dough rise in a warm place until double in size about 1 hour. Line a baking paper in the pan and set aside.

Preheat the oven to 180°C. Take the dough out of the bowl. Gently press down the dough and a rolling pin to roll the dough to press the dough into a rectangle, about 25x25 cm. Brush the mayonnaise over the dough then scatter cheddar cheese all over and place the ham on top.

Roll the dough toward you starting at the top, gently pressing as you go to form a tight log. Cut the dough into 6 pieces, then place the dough, cut side down in the prepared pan.

Scatter Gruyère cheese all over the top.Let the dough rise until almost double in size.
Bake for 25 or until the bread is golden and the cheese is slightly brown.


  1. Hi is the texture of the bread soft? And how long does it keep at room temperature? Also, you have another recipe for ham and cheese bread in your site. Which one do you prefer?

  2. Love your blog! It really helps with all your step-by-step pics :)

    Baking the ham and cheese bread now.

    May I link you please?

  3. Yes, and I will link to your blog too. ^ ^

  4. I like the texture of this bread, it's still soft when we ate it for breakfast this morning. I've posted a pic in my blog. Not a beautiful bread but definitely tasty.

  5. I made this again :) Have update pics here


    BTW, I don't know why but I can't link you to my blog. It shows a different url..

  6. Thanks for sharing the recipe & the step-by-step guide, it made a lot easier way for us (the beginer) to learn.

    Anyway, I tried it and love the bread.

  7. Hi Pook,

    Thank you very much for sharing thsi with us. I made this bread ring too and they are delicious! Here's mine:


    Yours definitely look way better than mine!

  8. Love your blog !I made this bread today.It was soft and delicious!. Thank you for posting this recipe.


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