Friday, October 21, 2016

Double fromage cheese cake: Special cake for special occasion

 The last time that my sister and her family came to Thailand, (about 2 months ago) I wanted to bake something special for them.

And this is the recipe that I chose, "Double fromage cheese cake", a cheese cake that contains both baked cheese cake and mousse cheese cake in one. At that time, I didn't have a chance to take a photo but I still thinking about making it again because it's delicious and I wish I can share the recipe with you too.
So I made it again and adjusted some part of the recipe to make it more delicious, ^^. When looking at the photos you may think that it's hard to make, but the fact is it's quite easy. The cake can be divided into 4 parts, first the base, I use basic genoise, but you can use any plain sponge recipe that you like. The second part, the baked cheese cake, the only point that you have to remember is "don't over bake it". Just bake until the side of the cake set, and the center will firm up when cool, this layer will be creamy and goes well with the airy mousse. For the mousse part you will see that I add some water into the mixture, it will reduce a bit of richness so you will be able to enjoy it more. The last part is the crumbs, all you have to do is passing the genoise (or the sponge that you use) through a sieve, that's all. Easy, right?
Start making it the day before because the mousse needs enough time to set, and if it's not firm enough pack it with crumbs can be a nightmare -*-. 
Serve it with hot tea or black coffee is what I like as the hot drink goes well with the richness from the cheese. And I hope that you will like this recipe too.

*I really want to note on the mascarpone cheese that, there are many brands, and each one has it owns taste, if yours is a bit sweet, you may need to reduce a sugar (3-5 g of it).

 Double fromage cheese cake
Make 15 cm cake

Basic Genoise
60 g .......................... Egg whites (about 2)
.................................. Pinch of salt
60 g .......................... Granulated sugar
60 g .......................... Egg yolks (about 3)
60 g .......................... Cake flour, sifted

Baked cheese cake
220 g ........................ Cream cheese, soft
80 g .......................... Granulated sugar
60 g .......................... Whipping cream
1 ............................... Egg (large about  65-70 g)
1 ............................... Egg yolk (from large egg)
1/2 tsp ....................... Vanilla extract
6 g ............................. Cake flour

Mascarpone mousse
95 g ........................... Mascarpone cheese
54 g ........................... Granulated sugar
30 g ........................... Egg yolks
20 g ........................... Water
50 g ........................... Whipping cream (A)
170 g ......................... Whipping cream (B)
5 g ............................. Gelatine sheets

Preheat an oven to 180C.
Line 25x25cm cake pan with baking paper.

 Beat the egg whites with pinch of salt until foamy, gradually add the sugar and whip until firm peaks formed.
Pour the egg yolks into the bowl and beat until combine.

 Fold the sifted flour in 2-3 additions.

 Fold until combine.

Pour into the prepared pan, smooth the top and tap lightly to remove large air bubble.

Bake for 12-13 minutes or until the top of the cake spring back when touch lightly.
Let it cool completely.

Reduce the oven temperature to 150C.

 Cut the cake into 15 cm round, and place in 15 cm round cake pan.

 Beat the cream cheese until smooth, add the granulated sugar and beat until smooth.
Pour the whipping cream into the bowl and beat until combine.

 Put the egg, egg yolks and vanilla extract into the bowl, beat to combine.

 Sift the flour into the bowl.

 Beat until smooth.

 Pour into the prepared pan.

 Bake in 150 C preheated oven for 20-25 minutes or until the side of the cake set but the center still movable slightly.
Let it cool completely.

 Run a thin knife around the edge of the cake.

 Set aside while preparing the mousse.

 Bloom the gelatine in iced cold water, for at least 5 minutes.

 Put the whipping cream (A) into a bowl with water. Warm it in the microwave until hot (almost boil).
Remove the gelatine from the water, squeeze to remove excess water.
Put the gelatine into the hot whipping cream mixture and stir until fully melt.

 Beat the mascarpone cheese with the sugar until smooth, pour the whipping cream mixture into the bowl and beat until combine.

 Put the egg yolks into the bowl, beat to combine.

 The mixture will be smooth.

 Whip the whipping cream (B) until soft peaks formed.

 Fold 1/3 of the whipping cream into cheese mixture.

 Then pour it back into the whipped cream bowl.

 Fold to combine.

 Pour into the cake pan, cover and freeze overnight.
Keep the rest of the mousse in the refrigerate.

The next day, warm the side of the pan, and remove the cake from the pan.

 Spread thin layer of the mousse over the top and side of the cake.

 Crumb the rest of the genoise by passing it through a sieve.

Press the crumbs over the top and side of the cake.
Refrigerate until it soften enough to eat.

Double fromage cheese cake: Special cake for special occasion


  1. looks yummy!!

    p/s by tuesday next week, i'll be at saraburi province in bangkok for school trip... so can u bake this cake for me? hahahahaha just kidding ;-)

    1. Really! Are you coming to Thailand? ^^

    2. yes... i stay near rajamangala stadium (abt 500m) and spent 2 days at pattaya... feel free to visit my blog 😊


  2. What cheese do you use for the baked cake.

    If it is Philadelphia cream cheese, could you recommend another?

    1. Yes, I use Philadelphia cream cheese, but Anchor is another good choice too.

  3. Hi,
    Can I use 5g if gelatine powder instead? If yes how much water should I bloom in?

    1. You will need 25ml of water for blooming the gelatine.

  4. Hi
    Can I ignore the egg yolk in the Mascarpone mousse as the yolk is not raw.
    looking forward for your early respond.

    1. If you omit the egg yolks, the cheese mousse will be less rich. Anyway, you can cook it a bit by pour the hot whipping cream mixture (after adding the gelatine) into the egg yolks (stirring all the time) .

  5. sorry should be the yoke is raw

  6. I made it and it was so delicious!
    Thanks for your recipe ❤

  7. whipping cream in bake cheese cake section is what whipping cream ?A Or B ?
    diary or non diary?

  8. I use dairy whipping cream, the different from (A) and (B) is the function in the recipe, but both of them are the same dairy whipping cream.
    Whipping cream (A) is warmed for melting the gelatin, and mix in mousse base.
    Whipping cream (B) is whipped to produce foam for the mousse.



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