Monday, May 23, 2016

Coffee Meringues: So Simply but very delicious

 This simple cookie is not easy for some people, because I always heard many people said that they can't whip the meringue.

Sunday, May 22, 2016

Strawberry cheesecake cupcakes

 I won't be home next week, so there are so many things I have to do before leaving ^^.

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Green tea Chiffon roll with easy buttercream

 When my sister came to visit me, she made a request "I want to eat cake with a lot of butter cream", yes, this is what she wanted and you may think it's easy, haha.

 A lot of buttercream can be delicious but it can be too rich, so I had to choose the right flavour. I make coffee roll cake often, I didn't want to make it now. Finally, the right answer was there when I opened the fridge "Matcha", I have a load of it in the freezer (keep it in the freezer will preserve the vibrant green colour, ^^). Actually I think I use it less often than I should. 
As my green tea powder is bitter (and very green), the amount that I use is enough but you can adjust it to suit the one that you have, for the cake if you use more green tea powder, reduce the flour (ex. if you use 15g of green tea you have to use only 65g of flour), but for the buttercream no need to adjust anything.
I'm really happy that I can show you video, haha, because when removing the cake from the oven it's not easy to write what you have to do (a process of cover , remove, reverse and roll). So, if you don't understand what I write (I try my best ^^"), see the video.
For the buttercream, this is one of the easiest that you can make, and it's very delicious, you can use it in other recipe too (for the vanilla flavour, just skip the green tea and add all the whipping cream into the bowl without warming some of it).
My sister really enjoyed it, and I hope you will love it too.

Green tea Chiffon roll with easy buttercream
Make 30 cm roll cake 

Green tea chiffon cake
70g .......................... Cake flour
10g ........................... Green tea powder (Matcha)
70g ........................... Granulated sugar
.................................. Pinch of salt
3 ............................... Egg yolks (large)
3 ............................... Egg whites (large)
60ml ......................... Water
30ml ......................... Rice bran oil

Green tea buttercream
50g ........................... Whipping cream (A)
5g ............................. Green tea powder (Matcha)
150g ......................... Butter, soft (if use unsalted butter add a pinch of salt)
130g ......................... Sweetened condensed milk
100g .......................... Whipping cream (B)


 Preheat an oven to 180C
Line 30x30cm pan with baking paper.
Sift flour and Green tea powder (Matcha) together, set aside.

 I use King Rice bran oil

Put egg yolks into a bowl with sugar and salt.
Beat until smooth.

 Add the Rice bran oil, and beat to combine.

 Pour the water into the bowl, beat to combine.

 Pour flour mixture into the bowl.

 Beat until fully combine.

 Whip the egg whites until firm peaks formed.

 Fold into the egg yolk mixture in 2-3 additions.

 Fold until fully combine.

 Pour into the prepared pan.

 Bake for 12-15 minutes.

Place another sheet of baking paper on top, and reverse the cake and remove the old baking paper.
Place another sheet of baking paper and reverse the cake again.
Roll the cake (with the baking paper), and let it cool completely before using.

 Heat the whipping cream (A) until hot, sift the green tea powder into the whipping cream, mix to combine.
Let the mixture cool before using.

 Beat the butter until smooth, pour the sweetened condensed milk and whipping cream (B) into the bowl.
Beat to combine.

 Pour the green tea mixture into the bowl.

 Beat until smooth.

Unroll the cake. 
Spread the buttercream over the cake.

 Roll into a cylinder.
Cover the cake with baking paper and press with long ruler to tighten the cake.

Refrigerate until ready to serve.

Green tea Chiffon roll with easy buttercream

Monday, May 16, 2016

Chocolate Ice cream sandwich cookie

 I opened the freezer yesterday and saw a box of ice cream, well, at first I wanted to eat it right away, haha.

Thursday, May 12, 2016

Sugar Donuts: Delicious treat from my kitchen!

 I think most of people love fried food and sweet, well they make us feel good (esp. me, I really love fried food).

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Eating with dailydelicious: Arno's Butcher and Eatery

I had a chance to dinner at Arno's Butcher and Eatery last Monday, well if you know this restaurant you might be surprised, because they close on Monday.

Friday, May 6, 2016

Chocolate Snowball Cookies

 I'm very busy lately, and beside from that, my hard disk just broken, and yes my raw video files and photo are gone too.

Sunday, May 1, 2016

Simple Cream Biscuits: That's why I love my skillet

Cream Biscuit is one of the easiest thing that you can make ^^, and it requires very short list of ingredients too.
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