Monday, March 30, 2015

Green tea chiffon cake with Green tea white chocolate whipped ganache

I have a lot of green tea in the fridge now ^^ (as I told you that you need to keep the green tea powder in the fridge or freezer to keep color and aroma of it).
I bought some of them from Japan, and there are some can that I got from my friends. Green tea will lose it quality if you keep it too long, so I think I have to use it more often.

This time I use this one, (thank you Kapook). Anyway, this recipe uses a lot of green tea powder so I have to mix it with other brand of green tea too ^^. I choose chiffon cake to use as a base, but I want more butter taste in the cake so I use melted butter instead. The texture won't be as light as the original but not as dense as butter cake and stay soft. Sprinkle the cake with syrup helps the cake become moist longer too. 
For the ganache, it needs to be cold enough or it will be hard to whip, but don't let it too cold, it will become solid. 
With a lot of green tea, the bitterness of it (in a good way) shows, follow by the sweet and rich taste from white chocolate and butter. I love to eat it with a cup of hot tea, it's the best companion.

Green tea chiffon cake with Green tea white chocolate whipped ganache 
Make 20cm cake

Green tea Chiffon cake
65g ............................................ Melted butter
70g ............................................ Yolks
105g .......................................... Egg whites
135g .......................................... Granulated sugar (a)
50g ............................................ Granulated sugar (b)
150g .......................................... Cake flour
15g ............................................ Green tea powder
1/2tsp ........................................ Baking powder
100ml ........................................ Water
1/2tsp ........................................ Salt

White chocolate green tea ganache
250g .......................................... Whipping cream
250g .......................................... White chocolate, chopped if large
2 1/2 tbsp .................................. Green tea powder

50g ............................................ Simple syrup
1tbsp ......................................... Green tea liquor (optional)

Preheat an oven to 170C
Line 20cm round cake pan with baking paper.
Sift the flour, salt , baking powder and green tea powder together.

Whisk the egg yolks and sugar (a) until light in color.
Add the melted butter, whisk to combine.

Add the water and whisk to combine.

Pour the flour mixture into the bowl.

Whisk to combine.
Whip the egg white until foamy, add the sugar (b) and whip until stiff peaks formed.

Fold the meringue into the bowl, in 3 additions.

Fold until smooth.

Pour the batter into the prepared pan, tap the pan lightly to remove large air bubbles.
Bake for 50-60 minutes, or until the top of the cake spring back when touch lightly.

Make the White chocolate green tea ganache:
Sift the green tea powder into the bowl, heat the whipping cream until boil, pour the hot whipping cream into the bowl.
Whisk to combine.

Pour the white chocolate into the bowl.
Whisk to combine.
Let the ganache cool, then refrigerate for 2 hours.
Whip the ganache until spreadable.

Slice the cake into 3 layers.
Mix the syrup and liquor together.
Sprinkle one layer of cake with syrup, and spread the ganache on top of the cake, repeat with the rest of the cake.
Spread the ganache over the to and side of the cake.
Sprinkle with more green tea powder to decorate it (optional).

Green tea chiffon cake with Green tea white chocolate whipped ganache 


  1. I just found your blog via pinterest and I love it. So many wonderful recipes to look through and the green tea cake looks so delicious. :-)
    Thanks for sharing!

  2. Tried this recipe today. It's very nice. Thanks for sharing :)


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