Friday, May 9, 2014

Easy Cocoa Crepe Cake: Let me have some peaceful time ^^

Another no bake cake, that suitable for me at this moment ^^.

Crepe cake is a combination of  layers of crepe and layers whipping cream. You can make it without using the oven (anyway you need a pan to cook it, hehe). You can make it in different flavour, both by adding flavour to the crepe itself or in whipped cream. This time I make the cocoa whipped cream to accompany the crepe, and I make the chocolate ganache to make the chocolate flavour more intense. Remember that the cake needs at least 1-2 hours (or longer) to set or it will be hard to cut the cake into neat pieces. 
I think I don't have much to say, there are too many noise in my house today (plus dust and etc.), and I can't concentrate anymore -*-.  So right now, let me sit with my headphone on and enjoy this cake in my peaceful world, haha.

Easy Cocoa Crepe Cake
Make 20 cm cake

 Crepe batter
180g ............................. Cake flour
....................................... Pinch of salt
3 .................................... Eggs
600g ............................. Milk
45g ................................ Melted butter 

Cocoa whipped cream

400g ............................. Whipping cream
60g ............................... Granulated sugar
15g ................................ Cocoa powder, sifted


70g ................................ Dark chocolate
160g .............................. Whipping cream

Put milk and all of the ingredients into a bowl of the blender or food processor and turn on the machine process until fully combine (or put all the ingredients in a bowl and whisk until fully combine), pour the mixture into a jug and refrigerate at least 1 hour before using.
Take the jug out of the refrigerator.
Heat the 20cm pan, brush with butter. Pour the batter on a pan and immediately tilting and rotating skillet to coat bottom. (If batter sets before skillet is coated, reduce heat slightly for next crêpe.)
Make the filling:
Whisk together whipping cream, sugar and cocoa powder until soft peak formed.

Place a crepe in an 20 cm ring. Pipe the cocoa whipped cream. Top with another crepe. Continue layering with cocoa whipped cream and crepes, ending with a crepe on top. Refrigerate until firm, about 1 -2hour.

Make ganache:
Put the whipping cream in a small saucepan, and place over low heat until boil.
As soon as the cream's boiling, take the saucepan out of the heat and pour the chocolate into the pan wait for 1-2 minutes, stir until melt.

For serving:
Cut the cake into pieces, drizzle with ganache before serving.

Easy Cocoa Crepe Cake: Let me have some peaceful time ^^


  1. DELICIOUS! i've always wanted to make this cake because I saw it was quite popular in asia~ just need to get a crepe pan now ^^

  2. YUMMY! I've made a banana flavored one before, but this looks amazing too <3


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