Sunday, December 29, 2013

Happy Cooking with LG SolarDom: Quick and easy Pumpkin potage (Pumpkin soup)

 As the weather is colder, having a bowl of soup is a good idea. But because of the coldness I don't want to move, haha, so I rather have something easy to make.
This soup is very easy (if you don't like anything easy please skip these you can be frustrated, hehe). With microwave and blender you will get warm and delicious soup. I use my LG SolarDom again, I love using the microwave, it's easy and quick. Like making this recipe, no need to boil or steam the pumpkin, just put all the ingredients in a bowl and heat in the microwave, I can read a book while the microwave does all the job ^^. After that put all the ingredients in the blender and it done!
I love the taste of cherry tomato, it's sweeter and has less seed, but you can use large one if you have it on hand, just remember to remove the seeds before put it in a bowl.
I don't use any stock for this soup, to let the taste of the pumpkin, onion and tomato shine, but if you want some meaty taste 1/2-1 chicken bouillon cube will do the job, crumb it before putting in the bowl with pumpkin.
With this recipe you will get delicious and warm soup within 20 minutes, ^^. 

*I think about writing the recipe in Japanese a long time ago, this time I try again, hehe, well I'm still not good at Japanese (I learn by myself) if there are anything wrong please forgive me ^^, I will try harder next time.

 Quick and easy Pumpkin potage (Pumpkin soup)
Serve 2-3

 200g ...................................... Pumpkin (skin and seed removed), cut into 2cm cube
1/4 .......................................... Onion, finely sliced
6 .............................................. Cherry tomatoes, stems removed 
1tsp ......................................... Olive oil
250ml ..................................... Milk
.................................................. Salt and pepper, to taste

1.If you don't have cherry tomatoes use 1 large tomato instead (remove seed before using)

 2.Place the onion slices into a microwavable bowl, pour the olive oil over the onion, follow by the pumpkin pieces and tomatoes. Cover the bowl and place in the microwave.
  3.Select microwave function, 600w power. set timer to 7 minutes, push start to start the oven.
 4.Remove the skin from the tomatoes.
5. Pour the milk into a microwavable jug, place in the oven.
Select microwave function, 900w power. set timer to 2.30 minutes, push start to start the oven.
6.Pour all the ingredients into the blender and blend until smooth, season with salt and pepper to taste. Pour the soup into serving bowl, add more freshly ground black pepper to taste.

200g ..................................... かぼちゃ(種を取って縦に幅2cmのくし形に切る)
1/4個 .................................... 玉ねぎ (薄切り)
6個 ......................................プチトマト
1小さじ ................................. オリーブ油
250ml.................................... 牛乳
塩, こしょう.......................客適量

1. 耐熱ボウルに玉ねぎを広げてオリーブ油をかけ、かぼちゃ, プチトマトをのせ。
ラップをふんわりかけて。電子レンジで(600w) 7分加熱する。加熱後, トマトの皮をとり除く。
2 .耐熱カップに牛乳を入れ、電子レンジで(900w) 2.30分加熱する。
3. 1と牛乳 をフードプロセッサに入れ, なめらかになるまで攪拌する。塩、こしょうで味をととのえる。器に盛り、好みであらびき黒こしょうを振る。
Happy Cooking with LG SolarDom: 
Quick and easy Pumpkin potage (Pumpkin soup)

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