Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Kahlua Brownies: My favorite liqueur, my delicious brownies!

 I have my weak point, ^^, I can't stop myself when I see the recipe that contains alcohol, hehe.

 Especially, the liqueur that I like. Yesterday, I tried to arrange my bookshelves (it's hard job, I don't know why I never had enough shelves for my book) but it's not last long, ^^, I ended up reading the books instead, haha. I came across this recipe that I got from Suntory website, a long time ago and now, I really wanted to make it!!!!.
You can see from the recipe that it use milk chocolate, and there is a reason, this brownie contains a lot of liqueur so the bitterness from it is something that you need to realize. Using dark chocolate will be too bitter for this brownie. If you like fudge kind of brownie this recipe is not for you, the texture is cake-like.
White chocolate is optional, you can use it or not, but I think it adds a bit of sweetness that's good for this brownie too.

Kahlua Brownies 
Make 15x15cm brownie

 120g .............................. Cake flour
27g ................................. Cocoa powder
3g ................................... Baking powder
100g .............................. Milk chocolate
73g ................................. Butter
40g ................................. Walnut, chopped
2 ..................................... Eggs
43g ................................. Granulated sugar
82g ................................. Kahlua, 
........................................ Melted white chocolate for decorating (optional)

Preheat the oven to 170 °C
Line baking pan with baking paper.
Sift the cake flour, the cocoa powder, and the baking powder together.
 Melt milk chocolate and butter together by them in a bowl and place the bowl over a bowl of hot water, stir until melt.
Pour the Kahlua into the bowl, stir to combine.

Whip the eggs with sugar until the mixture is thick and light in color.
Pour the melted chocolate mixture into the egg mixtures, whip until combine.
Mix half of the flour mixture and 2/3 of the nuts into the egg mixture.
Pour the rest of the flour mixture into the bowl, whisk until combine.

Pour into the prepared pan and sprinkle the rest of the nut on top of the batter.
Bake for 25-30 minutes, or until the top spring back when press lightly.

 Drizzle with white chocolate and cut into pieces.

Kahlua Brownies: My favorite liqueur, my delicious brownies!


  1. lovely picture, how nice to hv a slice by now, very tempting and i hungry le, hahaha

  2. Mee too。。。。。。 :)May i have one slice of this cake?

  3. hi,,any subsitutue for kahlau,,
    pls help,,,

  4. Hi, eileenlee

    Hi, Joceline lyn
    Yes ^^.

    Hi, Anonymous
    You can use 1tsp of instant coffee granules and 1tbsp of sugar and mix them with water.


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