Saturday, August 18, 2012

Apple Crumble Cake: Simply happy cake!

 Actually I have to admit that I can't stay away from the oven, ^^. But I just recovered from the bad baking week, I should bake something simple.

 And I choose to make my favorite kind of cake, "An Apple Cake", I really love the soft and sweet taste of baked apple, it's so comforting.
Anyway, I make very small batch of this cake, it's used only 1 egg, but you can double the recipe easily. This time I use small apple (Jazz, it's not as tangy as granny smith), but you can use other kinds of apple that you like.
The crumble top is special with hazelnut, its taste goes very well with an apple (I make Apple crumble traybake before, it contains a lot of hazelnut and it's delicious!!!).
Make this cake for yourself (like ME!), or as a gift for anyone who love apple cake, I believe they will be very, very happy to receive it. Serve it with a cup of tea is my dream come true, haha.

Apple Crumble Cake
Make 4 (7x4cm paper baking cup)

50g .......................................... Butter
50g .......................................... Light brown sugar
3/4tsp ..................................... Cinnamon powder
.................................................. A pinch of salt
1 ............................................... Egg
85g ........................................... Cake flour
1/2tsp ...................................... Baking powder
35g ........................................... Raisins
90g ........................................... Apple, peeled and chopped 
15g ............................................ All purpose flour
25g ............................................ Butter
25g ............................................ Light brown sugar
15g ............................................ Hazelnut, chopped
................................................... A pinch of salt

Preheat the oven to 160°C. 
Sift the cake flour with the baking powder.
 Make the crumble by mixing the ingredients together, refrigerate until ready to use.
 Beat the butter, sugar, salt and cinnamon powder together until light in color, beat in the egg.
Pour the flour, apple and raisins into the bowl, fold to combine.
Put the batter into the paper baking cups, and crumb the cool crumble mixture over the cake.
Bake for 30 minutes or until the bamboo stick insert into the center com out clean.

Apple Crumble Cake: Simply happy cake!


  1. im sorry, how many egg did the recipe use?

  2. Hi,
    Sorry, I forgot, ^^", it's 1 egg.

  3. This is my favourite cake as I love anything with apple :D

  4. this cake looks good, I have some apples in fridge to try out but need to get some hazelnuts 1st.

  5. love all things to do with apple - especially these one serving little delights - thanks for sharing these mini recipes, totally love them. good things and with portion control :)

  6. I love recipes that clean out the pantry! There's always stuff that I never seem to use that gets lost at the back of the shelf and this looks like a wonderful way to use them up. Thanks so much for sharing.
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  7. i just made this! its amazing and lovely! not too sweet at all ! perfect balance of flavours! love it!

  8. Can I use almond instead of hazelnut ?

  9. Yes, you can use any kinds of nut that you like.


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