Monday, May 30, 2011

Strawberry Pistachio Charlotte: My Cute and Delicious Hobby!

I miss it !!!!!!!!!!! I can tell you that I really love to make all these, the cake or dessert that needs a lot of preparation (and time), well you can say that I'm crazy, haha.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

May 2011 Daring Bakers’ Challenge # 52: MARQUISE ON MERINGUE

 ^^ Finally it's the end of the month (again), and as I told you that I have so many things to do but I never wanted to skip my DB challenge.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Reeses Peanut butter cup cupcake: When chocolate and peanut butter live happily ever after !

I think that cupcake is one of my passion, who can resist it (both making it and eating it, hehe) and the ingredient for this cupcake makes me really want to try it ^^.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

French Toast: Good and Happy morning!!

I think it's quite strange, haha. Last night I searched for honey toast recipe, and my nephew asked me what I want to make, and he saw the photo of the French toast on the screen, ^^.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Apple Jalousie: Heavenly afternoon treat!

^^, I know many people wait for this recipe, well after I talked about the puff pastry ( "inverse puff pastry", or "Pâte feuilletée inversée") in my blog and my page. I have a chance to post the recipe, finally.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Chicken Farm Baker's Project # 34 : Boost your body with Yummy Sweet, Five spices macaron with roasted Chinese pear and ginger custard sauce

Chicken Farm Baker's Project # 34 : Boost your body with Yummy Sweet, sounds good to your health, right? And yes, this month we will bake something special that good for your body. 

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Vanilla Cupcakes, My favorite, your favorite, the never-ending recipe!

The simplest cupcakes ^^ that many people can't say no, and I think I won't have enough recipes of it. Because each time that I want to make it I try make it better (or awful, haha).

Italian Meringue Buttercream

Italian Meringue Buttercream
75 g
Egg Whites
140 g
1/8 cup
225 g
Unsalted butter

To make the sugar syrup, place the candy thermometer in the saucepan and heat the water and 120 g of sugar over medium-high heat. Partially cover with a lid to capture the evaporating water this helps to moisten the sides of the saucepan to prevent sugar crystals from forming.
With the mixer on high speed, begin whipping the egg whites to stiff peaks. When the peaks are stiff, with the mixer still running slowly pour the remaining sugar into the meringue.
Raise the heat under the sugar syrup to bring the syrup to 245°F, if it is not there already. When the syrup is at 245°F, remove the thermometer and slowly pour the syrup into the meringue.
After 1 to 2 minutes reduce the mixer speed to medium for 3 to 4 minutes, or until the meringue is cooled. Add the butter 1 tablespoon at a time. Increase the mixer speed to high for 1 to 2 minutes, or until the butter is fully incorporated.

Swiss Meringue Buttercream

Many people ask me about the Swiss meringue buttercream ^^, so this is the one.
The difference between the Italian meringue is how you cook the egg white with the sugar, for this one you will stir them together over the simmering water until the sugar melt.

Swiss Meringue Buttercream
200g ............................... Unsalted butter
50g .................................. Shortening
200g ................................ Sugar 
100g ................................ Egg whites
26g .................................. Corn syrup
......................................... A dash of salt
1tsp ............................. Vanilla extract

1.Stir the egg whites, sugar, and corn syrup in a bowl set over simmering water, until the instant read thermometer register 45°C  or about 3-4 minutes (you will see that most of the sugar melted).
Take out of the pan and whip with the hand mixer at high speed for 10 minutes or until the meringue is very thick and glossy.

 2.Beat the butter and shortening together until soft, add salt and 1/5 of butter into the meringue, beat to combine.

 3.Slowly add the rest of the butter (little by little), beat until fully combine, add the vanilla beat to combine.

French Buttercream

Crème au beurre or French Buttercream

60g ................................ Granulated sugar
30g ................................ Water
2 ..................................... Egg yolks
125g ............................... Unsalted butter
......................................... A dash of salt

 1. In a sauce pan, put the sugar and water and bring to boil over medium low heat.
When the syrup reaches 100°C, start whisking the egg yolks.

 2. The syrup is ready when it reaches 117°C; pour it over the egg yolks  and continue whisking until cold.
Add salt and beat to combine, then add the butter 1 tablespoon at a time. Increase the mixer speed to high for 1 to 2 minutes, or until the butter is fully incorporated.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Fromage Cuit: Mini soft cheese cake, lovely small cake.

You will love to eat this, ^^, well I can be sure if you love to eat cheesecake. Actually last week, there are many people ask me for the cheese cake recipes (many varieties too, haha).

Basic sponge cake

Basic Sponge Cake 
2 ...................................... Eggs
60g ................................. Sugar
60g ................................. Cake flour
20g ................................. Unsalted butter, melted

Preheat the oven to 180°C. 
Line the 15cm pan with baking paper.
Sift the flour and set aside.

Whisk the egg with the sugar over the hot water until warm and the sugar melt.
Take the bowl out of the hot water and beat with the hand mixer until thick and lighten (Thick ribbon stage), sprinkle the flour over the egg batter and fold to combine.
Pour the melted butter over the batter and fold to combine.

Pour the batter into the pan and bake the cake for 23 minutes.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Frozen Tiramisu: Love it! Love it! and Love it!

 OK! I know that I can't stop making the Tiramisu, haha, ^^, it's one of my favorite dessert that I make it very often too.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Turkish pides or Turkish pizza: Your Own Delicious Bread

 ^^, I know you miss it. Bread making is one of my happiness in my kitchen, and having a good recipe will make it more fun. 

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Mousse au chocolat a la pomme et cannelle: Chocolate mousse with apple Lovely delicious mousse!!

I love to serve dessert in a glass ^^, it's cute, right? Beside from being cute most of them are easy to prepare too. This time the recipe comes from my new book, hehe,
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