Monday, February 8, 2010

Double delicious: Chocolate Crème brûlée, delicious treat for the chocoholic in you

"I like Crème brûlée" said my dear friend, "but I don't want to make the same thing, the custard one, I want other flavor, a delicious one", well, this is the question, when we talk on the phone.
For me, I like the Crème brûlée too, but, the simple one is not the right choice. So, I went to bed with this question on my mind (haha, I'm not mad, but I always dream about what I want to make every night).Then, I couldn't sleep, and what happened next was I kept on browsing through the cookbooks, one by one, to find the right thing that I want to do.

The recipe that got me is the Chocolate Crème brûlée, it's the answer to the people who love the richness of the cream and the chocolate and most of all it's the answer to my friend, who want the special Crème brûlée !
This Crème brûlée is very special, especially for the chocoholic one, the cream is the mixture of the cream and the chocolate (well, I think it's up to the bitterness that you want, or the level of the chocoholic that you are, ^ ^, just choose the right percentage that you love), so each spoonful, will full of deliciousness.
As always (or as you know), I made only 1/4 of the original recipe, and use a petite ramekins (and I got 4 of them, well, enough for me, ^ ^), so my baking time is very short, if you follow my path, be sure to watch the oven real close, the Crème brûlée is overcook easily (and even under cook, it's better than overcook it).
When making the caramel topping, it's your choice again, I love my caramel to be brunt and dark, but you can go on lightness by sprinkle the sugar less than the given amount, it's your Crème brûlée anyway, ^ ^.

I think this delicious dessert can be served any time of the day, esp when you need a real chocolate to lighten up your day!

 Chocolate Crème brûlée
Make 8-10 (medium size ramekin)


Chocolate custard cream

750 ml (26 fl oz/3 CUPS) ................ cream (35% fat)
250 ml (19 fl oz/1 cup) ................... full-cream milk
110 g (3¾ OZ/½ cup) .................... sugar
185 g (6½ Oz/ 1¼ cups) ................ chopped dark chocolate
185 g (6½ Oz/ 1¼ cups) ................ chopped milk chocolate
8 .................................................. egg yolks


110 g (3¾ OZ/½ cup) .................... caster (superfine) sugar (I use golden caster sugar)

Preheat the oven to 150 °C


Put the cream, milk and sugar in a large saucepan and bring to the boil. Remove from the heat, add the chopped dark and milk chocolates and allow to stand for 2 minutes, then stir until smooth.


Using an electric mixer, beat the yolks in a bowl, then gradually add the chocolate mixture and beat until combined. Strain the custard into the jug.


Pour the custard into the prepared dish. Stand the dish or ramekins in a roasting tin and position the tin in the oven Add enough hot water to the roasting tin to come halfway up the sides of the dish or ramekins.

Bake for 45-60 minutes for the large dish and 25-30 minutes for individual ramekins (or 15-20 minutes for petite one like mine ^ ^). The custard should still be slightly wobbly in the centre; it will continue to cook on standing and will become firmer as it cools. Carefully remove the dish from the roasting tin. Allow to cool, then refrigerate for at least 4 hours or overnight.



Using paper towels, remove the moisture, if any, from the surface of the chilled custard. Sprinkle the surface evenly with the sugar.

Position under a preheated grill or use a small blow torch to caramelize the sugar. Allow to cool then refrigerate until required.

Double delicious: Chocolate Crème brûlée, 
delicious treat for the chocoholic in you

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