Friday, January 29, 2010

Oreo cupcake: Black and White, it's my delight!

Most of the people that I know love cupcake, and I know that you are one of them ^ ^. Well, I has to admit that I just can't resist it, when ever I see the book about cupcake, I can't wait to buy it.

 Because the main thing for this post is "OREO COOKIE", yes, one of the love of my life, haha.
I told you about it many time before but I still have to tell you again, I love it. So, every time that I see the recipe which using the Oreo, I just have to try it (there are some of them in my blog, like Cookies and Cream Ice Cream, Cookies and Cream Gelato and Oreo-Crusted White Chocolate Mousse Torte). This recipe is one of the Oreo related (^ ^), that I must try it.
I use the Oreo with the double filling (I love the creamy filling so more is better for me), but the basic one is fine.
I made some adaptation from the original recipe, because as you know me, I don't like to eat the cake that is too sweet. So, the cup cake is less sweet but if you love (or the people who you bake for love very sweet cake you can add more sugar to 125g).
If you don't want to make the frosting, it's still OK ! But I love it, I love the creamy frosting, you can do the same like me by adding the finely crushed Oreo cookies, or you can just broken the cookies and add it into the whipped cream.

The cupcake is soft and delicious ^ ^, so, welcome to the world of Oreo baking (if you never try one, haha). Just grab your Oreo cookies (I know that you have it!), and let's get into the kitchen, with less than hour you will have a lovely Oreo cupcake to serve yourself and anyone you love.

Oreo cupcake
Makes 10


150g.............. Cake flour
1½ tsp........... baking powder
⅛ Tsp............ salt
⅛ Tsp............ baking soda
115g.............. butter, at room temperature
125g.............. sugar
2 .................. eggs
80g............... whipping cream
4................... finely chopped Oreo cookies


1 cup............. whipping cream
3 tbsp............ powdered sugar
10................. finely or coarsely crushed Oreo cookies
.................... Mini Oreo cookies

Preheat the oven to 325°F. Insert liners into 9 standard cupcake pans.
Prepare cupcakes: In a bowl, sift flour, baking powder, salt and baking soda.

Cream butter and sugar in an electric mixer on medium speed until mixture is light and airy.
Reduce mixing speed to low, add eggs one at a time, mixing well.
Gradually add half of the dry ingredients mix until smooth, then add the whipping cream.

Add the rest of the dry ingredients and the chopped Oreos, mixing until batter is smooth.

Fill the cupcake about two-thirds full
Bake for 20-25 minutes, or until cupcakes are springy to the touch and a toothpick inserted in cupcake’s center comes out clean.
Remove from oven and cool on wire rack

To make the frosting, place the cookies in the work bowl of a food processor fitted with the metal blade. Pulse until fine crumbs are formed.

 With an electric mixer, beat whipping cream and powdered sugar until soft and creamy.
Add Oreo pieces.
Frost the top of each cupcake and decorate with mini Oreo.

Oreo cupcake: Black and White, it's my delight!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Bonbons chocolat framboise: Chocolate with Raspberry Ganache Filling

I start to love this kind of thing, little chocolate bonbon, is my new toy. Anyway I can't say that I'm good at it, it's only the beginning. Last year my friend gave me the silicone chocolate molds (well about 3 of it) after I said that I want to try it. I use the plastic one before (Chicken Farm Bakers' Project #6: White Chocolate with White Chocolate Caramel Ganache and Macadamia Nut) but she told me that the silicone mold is very good too.

But I just forgot about them, until now, haha, I saw the recipe for the Bonbons chocolat framboise from the book: 洋菓子の基本―パティシエの仕事 基礎から分かるお菓子づくり (Understanding how to make Basic patisserie with illustration ) by 高木 康政 (Yasumasa Takagi), I thought that I should try this one. Because when thinking about the contrast flavor of the raspberry and the chocolate, well, it's delicious. Anyway, I had to make two batch of this bonbon, first is the one that I took the how to pictures, and the second one is the one in heart shape that I took the finished product picture.
Because I never use the silicone chocolate mold before, I got some problems, first the mold seen to be too soft and when pour the chocolate into the molds there are a lot of air bubble and it's hard to turn it up side down on the chocolate bowl too.
My first batch is very ugly, >*<, the surface is not smooth and my table is very, very dirty too. Luckily, the filling is enough for me to try it again (well it's easily to make in this amount, if the ingredients are too little, you just can't boil it properly), so the next day, I make it again. But this time I don't let the same kind of problem happen again (haha, or I can say that I try not to make the same mistake).

I start by select the small baking pan about the same size as the mold, because when pour the chocolate into the mold to make the outside of the bonbon, you have to tap the mold to smooth the chocolate (the air that trap inside will be out), and place the mold on the pan will make it easier, cause you just tap the pan (with the mold on it) no problem with the softness of the silicone. Next one is the problem when you turn the mold upside down, you have to remember that the mold is very soft so place some ruler on the chocolate bowl, so when turn the mold to release the chocolate it will be safe (my first batch I just drop the mold into the chocolate bowl, haha).

So, after I solve all my silly problems, ^ ^ I can do it! And using the silicone mold is very easy, it's easier to take the chocolate out of the mold and easier to wash too. This bonbon is very good the sourness from the raspberry contrast to the bitterness from the dark chocolate. You can choose the percentage of the chocolate that you want to use, it's will change the flavor of the bonbons, so go darker if you love it.

Bonbons chocolat framboise: Chocolate with Raspberry Ganache Filling
Makes 15 pieces

Raspberry ganache
(the amount of the ganache will be enough for 60 pieces)
50g...................... whipping cream
50g...................... raspberry puree
25g...................... glucose syrup
140g.................... dark chocolate (50%), chopped
25g...................... unsalted butter

200g................... Dark chocolate (60% or 70% ),chopped

Put the whipping cream, raspberry puree, glucose syrup in a small pan, bring to boil.
Pour the hot mixture over the chocolate and stir until the chocolate melt.

Put the butter into the ganache, and stir to combine.
Let it cool completely.

Divide the chocolate into 2 part, 160g and 40 g.
Put the 160g chocolate into the bowl, then place the bowl over the simmering water.
Heat the chocolate until the temperature reach 50°C, then take the bowl out of the heat.
Pour the 40 g chocolate into the melted chocolate, stir until the temperature drop to 27°C.
Place the bowl over the simmering water, again heat until the temperature reach 31-32°C.
The chocolate is now ready to use (if the chocolate cooler, heat it again but don't let the temperature higher than

Pour the chocolate into the mold, rotate to cover all the molds. Tap the mold to release the air that trapped inside.
Turn the mold upside down, to release the chocolate.
Let the chocolate cool, (you can put the mold in the refrigerator for 20 minutes to speed up the process).

When the chocolate is harden pipe the raspberry ganache into the chocolate.

Cover with another layer of the chocolate. Then let the chocolate cool, (you can put the mold in the refrigerator for 20 minutes to speed up the process).
Softly push the mold, the chocolate is now ready to serve.

Bonbons chocolat framboise: Chocolate with Raspberry Ganache Filling

Friday, January 22, 2010

Dark Chocolate Ice Cream with Cacao Nibs: Ice cream for the chocolate lover!

You will say that there are a lot of chocolate ice cream recipes in my blog, well, I can say that there never be enough! ^ ^ As long as I still love chocolate (and yes the ice cream too).

This time the chocolate ice cream comes with the cacao nibs (they are tiny bits of roasted cocoa beans). I think the cacao nib is a good way to add the crunchiness to this ice cream.

The nib has a bit of bitterness so it will add both contrast in texture and in flavor. It's better the chocolate chip in the way that it very crunchy (some people think that I added the nut into the ice cream), but it tastes like a dark chocolate with very high percentage of the cocoa mass (so, it might be too bitter for some people).
The original recipe uses the milk chocolate, but for me I rarely use the milk chocolate because I found it too sweet so I use the dark chocolate with only 50% of the cocoa mass instead. I don't recommend you to use very high percentage because you will get enough of the bitterness from the cacao nibs, ^ ^.
And it's a good recipe, ^ ^, the texture of the ice cream is very good and when talking about the taste, well I must say it's soooooo gooooooood ! The flavor of the chocolate is very intense and the taste and the crunchiness of the cacao nibs add more charm into this little scoop of the ice cream, so just try it by yourself, this ice cream won't let the chocolate lover down.

Dark Chocolate Ice Cream with Cacao Nibs
makes 1 litre

8 ounces [225 grams] .............. dark chocolate (I use 50%), chopped
1 ½ cups [375 ml] ................... heavy cream
1 ½ cups [375 ml] ................... whole milk
½ cup [100 grams] ................. sugar
2tbsp [20 grams] ...................... corn syrup
..................................................... Pinch of salt
4 .................................................. large egg yolks
¾ cup [90 grams] ................... cacao nibs

Bring the cream to boiling point in a small saucepan. Remove form the heat, pour into the chocolate, allow to stand for 1 minute, then stir until smooth and set aside with a fine-meshed strainer nearby.

In a saucepan, stir together the egg yolks,with the sugar and salt. Warm the milk and corn syrup in the microwave (about 2-3 minutes) then gradually add some of the warm milk to the egg yolks mixture.

Cook the mixture over low heat, stirring and scraping the bottom constantly with a heatproof spatula, just until the custard thickens enough to lightly coat the spatula, 3 to 5 minutes (or about 85 °C).

Strain the custard into the milk chocolate mixture and stir together. Chill thoroughly.

Place the mixture in your ice cream maker and freeze according to the manufacturer's instructions.

When ready, pour the chilled mixture into the ice-cream maker and process according to manufacturer’s specifications.
Remove the finished ice cream from the ice-cream maker, stir in the cacao nibs .and place in a plastic container. Cover with plastic wrap by pressing the wrap gently against the top of the gelato, affix lid to container, and place in the freezer to fully harden before serving.

Dark Chocolate Ice Cream with Cacao Nibs: Ice cream for the chocolate lover!

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Chicken Farm Bakers' Project # 18: Opera Cake, with a twist! Pistachio Opera

This month, I am the host of the chicken farm bakers' project, so I started thinking about what I want to try. I didn't make this kind of dessert for a long time (my friend call it a lot of things cake, haha).

Anyway, I always love it. The cake that take a lot of time to make is not hard to do if you can manage your time. I decided to make the Opéra cake, but as the chicken farm bakers, we don't like to follow the rule, we love to create something that we want to try. So, our Opéra cake is not the traditional one, we will make it with joconde cake, buttercream and ganache but with the flavor of our own choice.
I choose the pistachio flavor, as I saw the recipe in the book a long time ago and really want to try it, but at that time I couldn't find the pistachio paste, so, as soon as I get it, well, I have to do it ^ ^.

If you want to make this kind of cake, it's not hard to do, but as I say that the time management is the key.
You can start by making the filling (all of them in one day, except the glazing ganahe because it will be easier to use it when it just cooling down, the top of the cake will be shine and smooth).
Then bake the cake, and assemble it when you have time.
Or, as I did, I started by baking the cake one day, and next day make the filling (first I made the base chocolate, the buttercream and then filling ganache), I filling the cake and put it in the fridge when making the next filling.

I love this cake, even I must say that it's not the most perfect cake. My friendts made a lot of comment and I accept it. So, the problem for my cake is I make double recipe of the filling ganache so this layer is too thick (in the recipe I already correct it, your cake will have a thin layer than mine), and the buttercream is too thick too (for my friend not for my family, haha). Because my sister love to eat buttercream so I use a lot of it, but if you are not like it so much, make only half the recipe of the buttercream and again, your cake won't be as tall as mine. And one more problem is don't forget to cover the cake completely because the fridge will make the cake drier.
But I still love it, it make me feel good that I had a chance to do something that I really want ^ ^. So, if making some kind of this cake is your dream, don't be afraid to try it, and you will know that it's not as hard as you believe.

Adaptation from: Baking and Pastry: Mastering the Art and Craft and 永井紀之 ノリエット のお菓子 by 永井 紀之

Opéra Pistache
Makes 5 (8.5x4 cm/piece)

Joconde Biscuit
use 24x34cm sheet pan

TPT* (pistachio)......... 125g (62.5g ground pistachio, 62.5g Icing sugar)
Almond powder.......... 20g
Egg............................... 80g
Cake flour................... 16 g

-Egg whites................ 75 g
-Sugar......................... 16 g

Butter.......................... 13 g

Filling ganache
Dark chocolate.......... 50g
Milk chocolate.......... 6 g
Whipping cream....... 40g
invert sugar
or honey .................... 8 g
Butter........................ 6 g

Pistachio buttercream
Pistachio paste........ 40g
Italian meringue ....30g
Pate a bombe..........40g

Base chocolate
Dark chocolate.......... 60g
Oil .............................. 7.5g

Glazing ganache
Dark chocolate.......... 100g
Whipping cream .......170 ml

Simple syrup
Sugar .......................... 50g
water........................... 50g

*TPT is the mixture of nut and icing sugar in equal weight.

Start by making the Joconde:

Preheat the oven to 200 °C line the pan with baking paper.

If using the ground pistachio, just mix it together with the icing sugar to make the TPT.
Or you can ground the pistachio with the icing sugar.

Mix the TPT, almond flour and egg together with the hand mixer until smooth, mix in the flour and set aside.
Meanwhile, melt the butter, and set aside.

Beat the egg whites and sugar until stiff peak form.

Fold the meringue into the nut and egg mixture until fully combine.
Fold the warm melted butter into the mixture.

Pour the mixture into the prepared baking pan and bake for 8-15 minutes.

When cool cut into 3 pieces.

Make the filling ganache:

Put the whipping cream into the pan and boil over low heat.
Pour the hot cream over the chocolate and stir until the chocolate melt.

Put the butter and the invert sugar into the ganache and stir until combine.

Make the pistachio butter cream:

Start by making the Italian meringue:

Egg white........... 30 g
Sugar.................. 60 g
Water ................ 10 ml

1. Put the sugar,water in a thick based pan, and place over a moderate heat and stir until it boils
2. When the syrup temperature reaches 110 °C beat the egg whites until stiff
3. When the syrup temperature reaches 118°C slowly whisk it into the egg whites in a thin stream taking care not to let it run onto the whisk
4. Continue beating until completely cold.

Making the Pate a bombe:

Egg yolk.......... 30 g
Sugar............... 45 g
Water.............. 16 ml

1. Put the sugar,water in a thick based pan, and place over a moderate heat and stir until it boils
2. When the syrup temperature reaches 110 °C beat the egg yolks until pale.
3. When the syrup temperature reaches 120°C slowly whisk it into the egg yolks in a thin stream taking care not to let it run onto the whisk
4. Continue beating until completely cold.
The Italian meringue and the pate a bombe.

Beat the Pistachio paste until soften, add the butter and beat to combine.
Put the 30g of Italian meringue and 40g of ใPate a bombe into the butter mixture and beat to combine.
Note: if the color is too pale add some green food coloring.

Make the base chocolat:

Melt the chocolate, then add the oil, stir to combine.
Place one sheet of cake wrong side up , pour the chocolate mixture over and put the cake into the fridge until harden.


Before assembling the cake make the simple syrup by putting the water and sugar into a small pan and boil over medium heat until the sugar dissolve then let it cool.

When the chocolate on the base is harden, flip the cake right side up and sprinkle with syrup.

Spread the buttercream over the cake, then place another sheet of cake and sprinkle with the syrup. Put the cake into the fridge until the buttercream harden.

Spread the filling ganache over the cake, then place another sheet of cake and sprinkle with the syrup. Put the cake into the fridge until the ganache harden.

Spread the buttercream over the cake, then put the cake into the fridge until the buttercream harden.

Make the glazing ganache:

Bring the cream to boiling point in a small saucepan. Remove form the heat, pour into the chocolate, allow to stand for 1 minute, then stir until smooth.

Pour the ganache over the buttercream, then put the cake into the fridge until the ganache set (it won't harden).

Cut the side of the cake, then cut into pieces.
Decorate with the ganache, then serve.

Chicken Farm Bakers' Project # 18:
Opera Cake, with a twist! Pistachio Opera
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