Friday, September 13, 2024

Mini Boston cream pie

My family loves mini-size sweets. 

When the cake comes in a small size, it's cute and people will feel that they eat less than usual, haha.

This time, I made Boston Cream Pie in a mini size. The name can make you confuse but it's not a pie! It's a cake. The cake contains two layers of sponge cake filled with custard and covered with chocolate ganache. 
I used a rich yellow sponge cake for the cake part (it has a lot of butter,  you will think it's a pound cake if you read only the ingredient list). I love my cake to be moist and rich without adding anything more.

This recipe will give you only 4 individual size Boston Cream Pie ^^. You may think that making a small batch of pastry cream is hard but when using the microwave it's effortless, and it is quicker than cooking on the stove.

With this small recipe (and small cakes), you will be proud to say that wow, all my cakes are gone suddenly after making!!!! 

Mini Boston cream pie
Make 4 

Pastry Cream
1 ............................ Egg yolks
1/4 tsp ................... Vanilla extract
1/8 tsp.................... Salt
10 g ....................... Cake Flour
18 g ....................... Granulated sugar
15 g ....................... Milk (A)
100 g ..................... Milk (B)
10 g ....................... Unsalted butter

Yellow sponge cake
50 g .................... Unsalted butter
20 g .................... Cake Flour
15 g .................... Cornstarch
1 ......................... Egg
1 .......................... Egg yolk 
1/2 tsp ................. Vanilla Extract
1/8 tsp ................. Salt
33 g ...................... Granulated sugar

Chocolate ganache 
30 g ..................... Whipping cream
25 g ..................... Dark chocolate


Sift the flour into a bowl. Add salt and sugar and whisk to combine.


Put the egg yolks, vanilla, and 15 g milk into a bowl, and whisk to combine.

 Pour 100 g of the milk into the bowl, and whisk to combine.

 Cover and heat in the microwave (600w) for 1.30 minutes.

 Remove from the microwave and whisk to combine.

Cover and heat in the microwave (600w) for 30 seconds more.

 Remove from the microwave, add the butter, and whisk to combine.

 Pass through a sieve into a bowl.

Place a piece of plastic wrap directly over the custard cream, and let it cool completely. Keep in the fridge until ready to use.

Make the cake:
Preheat the oven to 180℃.
Line 8 Muffin pans (6.3x3.2 cm. per pan) with baking paper.
Melt the butter and set it aside.

Sift the cake flour and cornstarch together and set aside.

Put the eggs, egg yolk, salt, and vanilla into a bowl. Beat to combine.
Add the sugar gradually.

After adding all the sugar, beat it at the highest speed for 4 minutes. 

Or until it reaches a ribbon stage.

Beat at the lowest speed for 30 seconds

Fold 1/2 cup of batter into melted butter, and set it aside.

Fold the sifted flour (divide it into 2 additions). Fold it gently.

Fold the melted butter mixture.

Until fully combined.

Divide into the prepared pans.

Bake in 180℃  Preheated oven 
for 16-17 minutes.
After baking, tap the pan on the table.

Remove the cake from the pan and peel the baking paper. Let it cool on a wire rack.

Heat the whipping cream in the microwave (600w) for 30 seconds. Pour the chocolate into the hot whipping cream.

Stir until smooth and let it slightly set before using. 

Level the cake by cutting the top (the height of the cake is about 2 cm.).

Pipe the pastry cream over one piece of the cake.

Place another cake on top and press slightly.

Cover the top of the cake with chocolate ganache.

Ready to enjoy!

Mini Boston cream pie




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