Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Super Dark Chocolate Ice Cream

I like to eat ice cream but my ice creams have to be lightly sweet so I usually make them myself. Even the texture is not as light as commercial one but the taste is better and I can put everything that I like in my ice cream. Making ice cream by yourself is not difficult; even you don’t have the machine (but accept the truth that it’s only easier to watch the machine working than churning by hand every hour). So, what about the chocolate ice cream for everyday? The one that not a plain chocolate but a full flavors without the bitterness. If you’re the chocolate lover, this is the one for you. With both power from the cocoa powder and unsweetened chocolate and little sweetness from the condensed milk, the ice cream is chocolate shock without bitterness.

Super Dark Chocolate Ice Cream
Make about 750 ml
Condensed milk ¼ C
Heavy Cream (43% fat content) 1¾ C
Unsweetened Dutch-process cocoa powder 3 Tbsp
Sugar ½ C
Salt ⅛ Tsp
Unsweetened chocolate, chopped 3 oz
Whole milk ½ C
Vanilla extract ½ Tsp

Whisk together the cream, cocoa powder, sugar, and salt in a large saucepan. Heat the mixture, whisking frequently, let it comes to full rolling boil (it will start to foam up). Remove from the heat, whisk in the unsweetened chocolate until it’s melted (it won’t melt completely, a small little bit will remain). Whisk in the milk, condensed milk and vanilla. Pour the mixture into a blender (this is a very good trick from David because all the mixture will be very smooth and unsweetened chocolate will completely melt), and blend for 30 seconds, until very smooth.

Chill the mixture thoroughly in the refrigerator (but I suggest put the mixture in the ice bath first, it’s speed up the chilling time), then freeze it in your ice cream maker according to the manufacturer’s instructions.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Cupcakes !

By Elinor Klivans
Photographs by France Ruffenach

I bought it from my local bookstore. I have to say that I love the design of the book before I read the content, the color of the book is very lovely. But the recipes are interesting, the kind of cupcake that you like to eat. I have some cupcakes book but there are too fancy when all I need is a little cake to nibble.

After I read the first chapter I have to admit that I keep the chocolate in the wrong way. I keep them in the fridge because where I live the temperature is always above 30˚C. So, I can’t find a place that cool enough to store them, but anyway I still got a good result. I always buy a lot of chocolate (not in the professional blocks but in a little piece/ 100g), because my nephew he adores chocolate, especially dark chocolate so it’s easy for him to eat them. Some time I didn’t have a chance to transform them in to anything, because he can consume them faster than I make a cake. Anyway I hope that I will have a yummy cake from this book.

To read in Thai Click Cupcakes !

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