Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Green tea cream cheese brownies

 There are many reasons for each baker to keep baking everyday, some do for living, but I do it for pleasure ^^.

 For me the baking is not start the moment I start beating the butter or sifting the flour, it start when I thinking about what I want to make. I love to imagine the thing I want to do, write it down, and try to create it. As you know, some are good (you will see in my blog), some are -*- (you won't have a chance to know about them, haha), but I still think that there are so many combination to mix, recipes to create and happy faces that I will see. 
I thought about this idea while reading a book, the taste of the green tea, cream cheese and chocolate, they are good combination but I put them it different look. The green tea cream cheese batter gives this brownie a lovely marble effect and delicious taste, you may think that the green tea cream cheese batter is a lot but it's not, just swirling it into the batter and the taste of green tea will be everywhere in the brownie ^^.
To soften the cream cheese you can heat it in the microwave or put it in a bowl and place the bowl over a hot water, soften it will make your cream cheese batter smoother. I suggest using 60-70% dark chocolate, the brownie batter's more delicious with intense chocolate taste. 
Note on using convection oven (LG SolarDom): I test the recipe in the convection oven (the oven with fan assistance) too, if you use convection oven, you need to reduce the temperature about 20°C and for some oven the baking time can be shorter too. 

 Green tea cream cheese brownies 
Makes 23x23 cm brownie

Green tea cream cheese batter
170g ........................ Cream cheese
35g .......................... Granulated sugar
1tbsp ........................ Plain flour
1 ............................... Egg
30ml ........................ Whipping cream
1 tsp ......................... Green tea powder

Brownie batter
70g ........................... Plain flour
1/4tsp ....................... Baking powder
1/4tsp ....................... Salt
130g .......................... Unsalted butter
200g ......................... Dark chocolate (60-70%)
175g ........................... Granulated sugar
3 ................................ Egg

Preheat the oven to 180°C
Line 23 cm square pan with baking paper.

Green tea cream cheese batter:
 Beat the cream cheese and granulated sugar together until smooth. Add the whipping cream, the egg and beat to combine, sift the green tea powder into the bowl and stir until smooth, add the flour and stir until combine. Set aside.
Brownie batter:
 Put the butter and chocolate into a microwavable bowl, and heat in the microwave for 1 minutes take the bowl out of the microwave and stir, if the mixture is not completely melt, heat again for 30 seconds. 
 Pour the sugar and salt into the bowl and stir until combine, then let it cool down a bit (until you don't have to remove your finger quickly when touching it ^^). 
Beat the eggs together then pour into the bowl, stir to combine.
Sift the flour and baking powder together, then pour into the bowl, stir until smooth.
Pour the brownie batter into the prepared pan, spoon the green tea cream cheese batter on top and swirl bamboo stick or a tip of knife to create marble effect.
Bake for 45-50 minutes.

For LG SolarDom user: Preheat the oven to 160°C and baking time is 30-35 minutes. 

Green tea cream cheese brownies 


  1. Green tea + Brownies!!! 2 of my favourites in one delicious dessert! YUM! thanks for the recipe! definitely trying this one :D

  2. Absolutely irresistible! I love the flavour combo in those decadent treats.

  3. Such beautiful brownies! And I agreee it's sooo much fun just thinking about what to make, which I usually do in bed before I sleep- a bad idea because I stay up so late and end up not being able to sleep because I get *that* excited!!


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