Saturday, April 20, 2013

Vanilla caramel cream

One of my favorite caramel recipe

Vanilla Caramel cream
Make about 1 cup

200g ................................ Granulated sugar
1 ....................................... Vanilla bean, split
80ml ................................ water
.......................................... pinch of salt
100ml .............................. Hot water
20g ................................... unsalted butter, soft
100ml .............................. Whipping cream

Put the granulated sugar, water and vanilla into a saucepan. Put the cream and salt in a second small saucepan, stir to combine (or put in the microwave proved measuring cup). Place the first pan on medium heat and cook undisturbed until the sugar begins to melt and caramelize-you’ll see a few wisps of smoke coming out of the sugar. Reduce the heat to low and stir occasionally so that the sugar melts and caramelizes evenly. Meanwhile, put the cream pan over low heat (if using microwave put the cup in the microwave and heat for 1 minutes)Add hot water into the caramel pan, add it to the caramel at arm’s length, averting your face—the caramel will boil up and may splatter out of the pan. 
As soon as the cream has some bubbles around the edge , pour the hot whipping cream and butter into the caramel pan, stir until combine. Lower the heat, let it boil for 5 minutes.  Pour the diluted caramel into a medium bowl and cool it to room temperature. Take the vanilla bean out of the caramel cream before using.


  1. Hi,
    can I use this caramel as macaron fillings?


  2. Hi, Jennifer
    It is too soft for the filling ^^.


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