"HAPPY NEW YEAR 2010, Wish all of you happy all this year ! "

Anyway, do you still have more party to prepare ? Because I have more party foods to show you, ^ ^.
This quiche will be great for any party, and because you can prepare the pastry before time, (it's easier for any party, if you can do something ahead). You can put the pastry in the table and let your friends put the topping by themselves because the filling is taking only 20 minutes of the baking time. Your friends will have the custom made quiche, the way they really like.
I love the idea of this quiche, because there is some moment that we want to do the thing in the way we want. This quiche, you can put the topping that you like, onion, bacon, spinach, mushroom or etc. So, I didn't write the amount of the filling because the amount of it will be up to you, haha.
The recipe comes from the book that I bought a long time ago (about 6 years, >*<), 信太康代のスタンダードレシピ パイとタルト (Shida Yasuyo standard pie and tart recipes) by 信太 康代 (Yasuyo Shida). And well, I have to admit that this is the first recipe that I try, haha.
Adaptation from: 信太康代のスタンダードレシピ パイとタルト (Shida Yasuyo standard pie and tart recipes) by 信太 康代 (Yasuyo Shida)

125g...........All purpose flour
2tsps..........Cold water
...................Egg for brushing the pastry
Cream filling
1.................Egg yolk
75ml...........Whipping cream
....................a pinch of salt
....................Spinach (boiled and pressed the water out)
....................Ham (cut into small pieces)
....................Mozzarella cheese (cut into small pieces)
....................Parmesan cheese
Make the Pâte brisée

Cut the butter into the flour, then add the egg and water mix until moisten.

Wrap the dough and refrigerate for 30 minutes.

Roll out the pastry on a lightly floured work surface to 3 mm (1/8 inch) thick. Cut into rounds to fit the base and sides of the tins. Gently press into the sides to fit, trim the edges, cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate for 30 minutes.
Preheat the oven to 190°C

Reduce the oven to 170°C.

Put the topping into the tart and pour the cream filling over, and sprinkle with the mozzarella cheese and parmesan cheese.
Bake for 20 minutes until golden brown.
Happy new year...wish you all the best and thanks for all delicious recipes.