Friday, May 24, 2024

Cheese Soft French

My family really loves cheese. 

And you can see that I love to use cheese for baking too. 
This time, I add cheese to the basic bread recipe "Soft French". The difference between French bread and soft French is Soft French uses milk and butter. It has a chewy texture, goes well with many kinds of food, and the most important thing is it's easy to make!

You can shape and score the dough to make it look like a mini French bread, this time I combine it with cheese topping. I use pizza cheese (Mozzarella) and Grated parmigiano reggiano but you can use other cheese to suit your taste ^^.
I mix the cheese and mayonnaise together to add more taste and the mayonnaise makes the cheese melt thoroughly. 
If you love cheese, this cheesy bread will make you very happy!!!  

Cheese Soft French
Makes 6 pieces

Bread dough
200 g ................... T65 flour or all-purpose flour 
15 g ..................... Granulated sugar
3 g ....................... Instant yeast
3.5 g .................... Salt
75 g ..................... Water
60 g ..................... Milk
15 g ..................... Unsalted butter

Cheese topping
90 g .....................  Pizza cheese 
55 g ..................... Mayonnaise
20 g ..................... Grated parmigiano reggiano

Put the flour, sugar, and instant yeast into a bowl, and whisk to combine. Put the salt into the bowl, and whisk to combine.

Pour the water and milk into the bowl. Mix to combine. 

Remove from the bowl.

Knead for 7-8 minutes.

Or until smooth.

Put the unsalted butter into the dough. Knead for 5-6 minutes or until smooth.

Roll the dough into a ball.

You can knead the dough in a bread machine too.

Put the dough into a bowl, cover it, and let it rise for 60 minutes.

When the dough is ready.

Cut into 6 equal pieces.

Roll each piece into a ball. Cover and rest it for 15 minutes.

Pat the dough and roll it into a log.

About 16 cm. long

Cover and let it rise for 40 minutes.

Before baking, preheat the oven to 200℃.

Mix pizza cheese, mayonnaise, and grated parmigiano reggiano together.

Scoring the top of the dough.

Place the cheese topping in the center. Spray with water.

Bake in the preheated oven at 220℃ for 12 minutes.

Cheese Soft French


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