Monday, June 20, 2022

Japanese Butter Castella

Well, I already have many Castella recipes on my blog ^^.

But, for something that I love to eat, having a lot of recipes is not a bad choice. 
Trying a new recipe is fun and there is a chance that I don't want to let it go.

Anyway, this time I just want to make Castella with butter instead of oil. You can buy different flavors of Castella in Japan, but I can tell you that it's not hard to make it by yourself too.

Castella is a sponge cake that usually has honey (or glucose syrup) on the ingredient list. Honey is the key ingredient that keeps the cake moist and fragrant.

If you never made a sponge cake or had a problem with it before, I really suggest you try the method that I use in this recipe. Warm the egg and sugar mixture to 40°C. before beating it, your egg mixture will be easier to handle with less chance of becoming flat.

After baking, you can see that I tap the pan on the counter. Well, you (and me in the past) will think that it will flatten the cake, but the fact is this process will rearrange the air bubbles in the cake (the same as when you bake the sandwich bread) the cake will set beautifully as it cools.

If you can wait, wrap the cake, and let it rest before cutting, your cake will become moist and very delicious ^^, BUT!!! you can eat it after it cools too, it will be delicious too.

Butter Castella
Makes one small loaf (17.7 x 8.6 x 6 cm)

75 g .................... All-purpose flour
30 g .................... Unsalted butter
2 ......................... Eggs 
1 .......................... Egg yolk 
35 g ..................... Honey
2 tsp ....................  Hot water
 1/8 tsp ................. Salt
50 g ...................... Granulated sugar

Preheat the oven to 170°C.
Line the  17.7 x 8.6 x 6 cm loaf pan with baking paper, and set it aside.

Sift the flour and set it aside.

Melt the butter in the microwave and set it aside.

Mix the honey and hot water together.

Put the eggs, egg yolk, salt, granulated sugar, and honey mixture into a bowl.
Stir to combine.

Place the bowl over a pan of simmering water and stir it all the time.

Until it reaches 40℃.

Remove from the heat and beat with a hand mixer.

Beat at high speed for 4-5 minutes or until it reaches the ribbon stage (the batter will be very thick).

Beat at the lowest speed for 30 seconds.

Fold 1/2 cup of batter into melted butter, and set it aside.

Fold the sifted flour (divide it into 3 additions). Fold it gently.

Fold the melted butter mixture.

Until fully combined.

Pour into the prepared pan, and tap lightly to remove the large air bubbles.

Bake in 170℃  Preheated oven for 30-35 minutes.

After baking, remove the pan from the oven and tap it on the counter.

Remove the pan and turn the cake upside down on a wire rack.
Remove the baking paper.

Let it cool completely.

 Wrap with plastic wrap.  Let it rest for 12 hours.

Butter Castella


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