Sunday, May 12, 2013

Fried Tofu with Stir fry Shimeji mushroom

As I said that I start cooking again, ^^, and I have so much fun with it, hehe. Cooking is different from baking in many ways but the result is the same because all we need is "something delicious" .
Tofu is one of my favorite ingredients (well, I love food with soft texture ^^). There are many methods for turning it into something appetizing. This time, I fry it and covering it with stir fry Shimeji mushrooms.
By heating tofu in the microwave and covering with the paper towel, the tofu will be drier, and stay in piece when frying. Actually you can eat this dish as a main dish or serve it with a bowl of cooked rice, it's delicious both way, but you may need to skip the salt in the seasoning if serve it without rice as it can be too salty ^^.
For me, I love to eat it with rice, as soft and warm cooked rice with something tasty is always comforting, I think it's the meaning of home cooking.  

 Tofu with Stir fry Shimeji mushrooms 
Serve 2

 300g ............................. Silken tofu
........................................ Pinch of salt
........................................ All purpose flour, for covering the tofu
........................................ vegetable oil for frying
130g .............................. Shimeji mushrooms, cut the root out   
- 1/4 .............................. Japanese Onion, cut into 3cm long 
1 1/2 tbsp...................... Sesame oil
75g ................................. Minced pork
1tbsp ............................. Black sesame seeds
........................................ Corainder
1/4tsp ........................... Finely chopped ginger
1 1/2tbsp ...................... Shoyu (Japanese soy sauce)
2tsp ............................... Rice vinegar
1 1/2tsp ........................ Sugar
1/8tsp ........................... Salt

Cover the tofu with the paper towel and put on the microwaveable plate.
Put in the microwave and heat for 3 minutes, take the tofu out of the microwave and cover with another piece of paper towel, and let it rest for 30 minutes (the tofu will be drier).
Cut into 2 pieces, cover with salt and the all purpose flour and fried until golden on each side, place each one into the serving bowls.
Mix all the seasoning together.
Pour the sesame oil into the frying pan, over medium heat, stir fry the minced pork until start to change color. Add the Japanese onion, Shimeji mushrooms, seasoning, and sesame seeds,  stir fry for 1-2 minutes.
Divide the stir-fry Shimeji into the prepared fried tofu bowl. Sprinkle the coriander on top of each bowl.
Serve immediately.

Fried Tofu with Stir fry Shimeji mushroom 

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